Fuck Charming

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"You know the Killa's gonna be pissed about waking up without you again." Jax sighed, offering Tyler a cigarette as he leaned against the rail on the balcony. "He's pissed about a lot of things." Tyler shrugged, declining his offer to smoke. "Most of them are because of you lately." Jax said and she rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I guess I'm good at pissing him off." Tyler said with a chuckle. "You know it'd go a lot better if you just let him know what you were doing, you're his Old Lady, he wants to protect you." Jax said quietly.

"I'm not an Old Lady. I'll let him tell everyone I'm his girl like he does, but he's not going to parade me around like he owns me." Tyler snapped. "Oh really?" Happy's raspy voice asked from behind them. Jax grimaced and clapped Happy on the shoulder before walking away. "Well?" Tyler muttered, wanting to get it over with. "When we get home, this shit, us fighting, has got to end. You tell me everything you can, and I'll do everything I can trust you when you say you won't get hurt." Happy spoke slowly.

"Fine." she muttered and he grabbed her hand, and pulled her close. "I want to get right with you, babe." he sighed and she leaned into him. "We'll figure something out, Hap. Let's just take care of this." Tyler murmured. She leaned up and pecked his lips before turning and walking back inside. "I have to go, when will I see you again?" Missy asked as she hugged Tyler. "I don't know, sometime later." Tyler sighed. Missy left and Julian soon joined everyone downstairs, carrying two large duffle bags. The guys went through the bags, looking at their new guns and getting a feel for them.

"Here, Jul. For storing them." Tyler said and pulled out a wad of cash from her pocket and handed it to him. "Thanks, babe." he said as he stuffed it into his own pocket. "We'll load these up." Chibs said as he and Juice tucked everything back into the duffel bags. "Thanks." Jax said as he shook Julian's hand. "Yeah, anything for her." Julian said with a smile that made Happy's blood run cold. There was definitely something about Julian and Tyler that made him nervous. "Keep my girl safe." Julian said as he shook Happy's hand. "Yeah, I'll keep my girl safe." Happy grunted. Tyler rolled her eyes and hugged Julian, "Take care of Missy, and have fun with your hippie shit." Tyler chuckled at him. Happy slipped his arm around Tyler and the couple followed Jax out.

Juice and Chibs were waiting in the van when the others finally walked out. Chibs smiled at seeing Happy's arm around Tyler with neither of them looking like they were in a particularly foul mood. Juice was in the driver's seat, toying with the stereo while Chibs sat in the back with a flask full of scotch. He planned on not caring about the fights between Happy and Tyler that we're sure to happen on their way home. Tyler crawled into the back of the van at Happy's request, and Jax moved up front, not wanting to be involved.

The first part of the drive was uneventfully quiet, until Happy's jealousy got the best of him. "So how close were you and Julian?" he asked as he looked over at Tyler. "I told you, he trained me." Tyler shrugged. "Stop thinking about it, Hap. If you think that I've slept with every single one of my friends that we've come across then you better figure something else out. I'm not going to get interrogated just so you can beat around the bush because you're too much of a pussy to just ask if we've fucked." Tyler added, getting tired of this always happening.

"Hap." Jax and Chibs warned simultaneously. "No. If this is going to happen it's going to be two members, not a Son and his girl." Tyler snapped at them. "Fine. We'll settle it at the clubhouse, in the ring. I win, we do this my way. You win, we'll do it your way." Happy snarled down at her. "Great." she ground out through clenched teeth. She sat with her back against Juice's seat, so she was farther away from Happy. When they pulled into the lot Tyler instantly jumped out of the van, "I'll be back in an hour." she said before making her way to her bike and riding to her house.

She walked in and changed into a sports bra and a pair of compression shorts, she knew she'd have to use a lot more than brute strength to beat Happy. She stuffed her feet into her shoes and pulled on her kutte. She threw her hair up into a ponytail and walked back out to her bike. When she walked into the clubhouse Chibs was already wrapping Happy's hands for the fight. "Get everyone here, this is going to be good!" Jax yelled at Juice as he saw Tyler walk in. "Hey, Ope. Wrap me up?" Tyler asked looking up at Opie. "Of course, darlin'." he chuckled and began to wrap her wrists.

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