Chapter 9: Christmas list

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XHarry StylesX

As I looked back to the corner I seen a whole wall dedicated to the fray. Its going to take all thats in me not to buy everything for Louis. I see a tee shirt and decide that should be good enough. I take it to the register and watch as she swipes it and clicks stuff. I look down and see some skittles, I decide to get those to. Its a total of 23 so I pull out 25. I get my change and leave that store. One down like 8 more to go. I then go towards the food court to get something to eat. Hmm lets see Panda Express, McDonalds, Pizza Hut. I might as well get chinese. You cant go wrong with chinese. I sit and wait for my order. I look around the mall and spot a pet store.. I can get her a bunny. Girls love bunnies. Perfect. Now Liam and Niall. I get my food and sit down to eat and think. Liam loves soccer... new soccer ball. Im good. Niall loves golf. New balls. Ha get it. Anyway my next stop is to dunhams.

I throw away my food and get going. I have to go up. I spot a escalator and climb on it. Theres a girl in front of me. She really pretty. She had medium length blonde hair and shes curvy and is light skinned. I would be attracted to her if i didnt find girls icky. She turned around as if she read my mind. She gave me a weird look. I could she her face now. She had black ray bands and and little black dot by her eye and red lipstick. Then she turned back and went the other way. I see Dunhams so I picked up my pace. I walked in and almost died. I was never into sports except football. I liked to bake and sing. I went straight to what i needed and paid and left. I was done shopping about two hours later.

XKassiani HoranX

I hate hospitals. They are so boring and creepy. You hear beeping and people shuffling through the rooms all night. I'm just sitting here staring into space thinking about absolutely nothing. Why do I feel so sick? Next thing I know I jumped up and rushed in the bathroom throwing up. This is unusual And I'm concerned. Should I be worried. Nah its probably just something I ate. It's already 5:00pm and I get out of here tomorrow at 10:00am so I might as well catch up on some sleep.

XHarry StylesX

When I get home I unload the jeep trudging back and forth through the dirty slush. I hate the winter the only good part is the ugly but awesome Christmas sweaters. I love those. When I get in I'm greeted by the warthm of my flat. I live alone so its quiet and a perfect gift wrapping environment. Ik that's probably not a thing but hey I am weird that way. When. I start to wrap Louies gift I think about how much I miss kassi. I just seen her and already miss her. Wow I'm such a sap.

I get done wrapping about 10:00pm and go lay on the couch I daze while I'm trying to watch t.v and end up falling out. I start to dream

It was a figure, she was in all white and had black hair. It looked like kassi but with black hair. She moves closer to me and I realise something, she's pregnant it looks like. I get excited seeing I love kids. She then kisses my fore head and walks off into the distance waving.

A sudden sounds scares me out of my sleep then I realized its just my alarm clock. I casually knock it off the dresser with a loud boom. I feel as if I should probably pick up the pieces but the worst part was that it was stilling buzzing. I then proceed to throw it against the wall and lay back down. I began to analyze what just happened and realized what my dream was about. That was strange.

It had been 9:00am when I woke up and I had to be at the hospital at 10:00 to get kassiani so I had to get ready. I lazily walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. My hairs my usual messy mess and my eyes are baggy and have sleep in them. I decide to jump in the shower and make my way into my bedroom. I stop by my bed and debate of I should lay back down or not. I can't so I go to the closet and get some close. When I'm ready I grab some coffee and head to the hospital.

XKassiani HoranX

I wake up with a Harry in my face. He has that smirk on his face and starts talking. Its mostly blur and unclear seeing I just woke up and already have to throw up. I don't know what's been up with me the last couple of days but it needs to stop. I quickly push him aside and run into the bathroom mid-puking. Harry stands in the doorway with a confused expression. I can feel it.

"Are you alright love? Yeah I'm fine just a little sickness that's all, thanks. No problem", he said nonchalantly.
That was weird I thought. "Well are you ready to go, he asks. Yes I'm ready just let me get my discharge papers and we can get out of this hell whole". I buzz the button to call in the nurse for my discharge papers. While I'm waiting me and harry have a random conversation about one of our favorite shows. Then the nurse appears in the door with a thin stack of paper and she looks determined to do something. She then spoke, "you need to quit while your ahead. What do you mean", I asked. "Your young and your lungs aren't that bad considering its someone with asthma, so I think it would benefit your health in the long run". All I could say was ok. I knew she was right and I couldn't help it. After that I just walked out and harry followed.

*Authors note*: heyyyy:)! So another boring filler but the plot is finally picking up, chapter ten marks the spot. It will start to escalate and get more interesting now. And there are little hints that hint towards the future of this story even if your don't notice them. Happy reading! Please don't forget to post everywhere, vote, COMMENT PLEASE and you can even share it on kik!! My twitter is @xFools_Goldx. All the love x.

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