Episode 1

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Before I start I want to say how much I laughed at the video up above...it's art, what can I say? I don't ship them (sorry shippers), I ship Eren and Mikasa, but I can't deny that if they fell in love I would be happy :)

Without any other commentary, let's begin!

P.S.: If you're just started watching AOT don't read this, it'll have spoilers!


The sun was shining on my (S/C) skin, the warm wind made my (H/L) (H/C) hair messy, I took a deep breath, the air filled my body. I closed my eyes and smiled. Why? I didn't know, smiling once in a while made me feel happy, made me wonder somewhere else, somewhere safe, somewhere without fear and troubles. 

"(Y/N)!" my friend called pulling me out of my thoughts. When I returned to reality, I ran to the girl.

" 'Sup Mikasa?" I asked. She didn't say a thing, she rarely talked, but I knew that under her quiet mask there was confidence and strong will. I looked at Eren, who was the exact opposite of Mikasa, he was confident, stubborn and impulsive, but we loved him the way he was.  "He's so cute when he sleeps" I said staring at him. There was something about him that made my chest turn to lava, that made my legs turn to jelly, that made me care about how I looked, that made me trust him and it wasn't friendship, but then, what was it? (you're ten, you don't really understand love, you shouldn't be feeling it, but fangirling can start at any age, so yeah).

"Mhm" Mikasa mumbled. We stared at him like creeps for a few minutes, until the boy started turning and screaming in his sleep. It was interesting how from a calm and peaceful sleep it turned into a nightmare. The both of us tried to wake him up.

"Eren!" with my yell the ten year old woke up. A shocked look on his face. Mikasa's calm expression returned, but I still looked concerned. I studied my friend's scared to death face and waited for him to talk.

"Mikasa, (Y/N)...hey" he said quietly. The boy's green - blue eyes (in the anime his eyes are sometimes green, sometimes blue, so I'm saying this) met mine, but quickly moved to the grass.

"We should get back" Mikasa ordered calmly. I nodded.

"Where are we exactly?" Eren asked. How couldn't he remember? Did his sleep cause amnesia? But then again, he just woke up from a nightmare, his head was probably still between dream world and real world.

"Try asking us again when you're awake" I joked. A faint smile appeared on his face.

"I'm not, I'm just...I don't know...it was like the dream I has having went on forever!" Mikasa stood up and turned towards the wall, ready for taking off. "It's gone now" the boy said rubbing his eyes. "What was it about?" he asked himself. I stood up and lifted my (I have no idea what they're called, so I'm calling them backpack...please don't kill me) wooden backpack (as I said, I have no idea what they are called).

"Eren, have you been crying?" Mikasa asked. My eyes widened as I faced the ten year old, who was still half sleeping, I noticed tears in his eyes, what was his nightmare about? Eren's face was screaming shock and embarrassment. I smiled at how cute the combination was.
The three of us walked towards the village in silence, which wasn't normal for us, usually we would be talking and laughing, but this time, we were too lost in our thoughts to talk. After twenty awkward minutes we were finally getting closer to the city gate.

"Do me a favor, huh?" Eren broke the silence. "Don't tell anyone I was crying, that goes for the both of you"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" Mikasa said. "Still though, you don't even remember why? Might wanna have your dad look into that" (actually it's normal not to remember your dreams)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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