the moon

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There are two moons here. Clara pointed out to the Doctor when they arrived. He explained that this planet they were on only had one moon, which had its own moon that was about 25% smaller than the first moon.

"It's called a semi-planet" the Doctor explained. "The planet we are on is called korvoin and korvoin' s moon is the semi-planet. The semi-planet's moon is an actual moon and-"

"And that means that the only moon here is Korvoin's semi-planet's moon." Clara finished his sentence, fully understanding what he was talking about.

God the was cute when she did that. When she showed off her intelligence, the Doctor thought, when she was being Clara.

"Exactly right Clara. I have taught you well!"

Clara grinned at him. She loved making him proud. She loved showing off to him. She loved...

"So where do you want to start? There is a pool of stars just around the corner from here, well not actual stars, but the locals call it that so it must be impressive. We can go check it out if you want-" the Doctor was cut off by an unexpected connection.

Clara kissed him.

She kissed him.

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.
Her hands came up to his cheeks.

For that moment. For that single moment, the 1000 years the Doctor has lived, the things he had seen. He had never felt the Universe stop. For a moment, he felt he was kissing the galaxies edge.

She pulled away and grinned at him.

"What was that all about? He asked, slightly confused but so extremely happy.

"I love it when you talk Time lord to me." She said, before smiling at him and turning to walk away.

"Come on! Let's go see this Star Pool then."

The Doctor followed her obediently. No combination of the 26 letters there are in the human alphabet could explain how truly ecstatic he was.

Sure there was a Time Lord speech but he couldn't possibly translate into love. It only consisted of technical terms that he could barely dumb down so that a human could understand it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2015 ⏰

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