Chapter 6

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    I step out of the tent, my arm hooked into Fred's and I swear, you could hear nothing. Just dead silence. It was as if the forest died, the wind died, and us, the humans also died. River let out a low whistle saying, "hot damn."

     Fred stood I front of me. I guess I didn't notice her let go of my hand. "V..." She stands in front of me with her hands over her mouth as a small gasp comes out of her mouth. An old woman comes out from the crowd.

    "Grandmother," Krista lets out a small gasp. "Hello child," I have to bend down to the old woman's height.

    She looks at me surveying my face, "child, we've been waiting for you... You are the one that will lead the revolt for equality, however there are many struggles that'll stand in your way. You need to be careful and remember to trust those closest to you, your friends." Each of the people that were on the truck with me look at me. "We are your new family stay with us and I promise you, Veronica Ann Taylor, you and our secret is safe with us."

    River looks at me grimly, a look of promise casting over his eyes. Fred looks between the two of us and smiles brightly at me before motioning for the others to leave me alone with River. I silently curse under my breath. River looks at me with so much emotion evident on his face that I want to run from and hug him to protect him from his nightmares at the same time.

    "Ver?" River reaches towards me, his eyes seeing me... Yet not seeing me. "River...?" "Huh..." "Are you okay?" I hesitate, reaching my hand out to touch his cheek and drawing it back to myself, awkwardly rocking back and forth on my feet.

    "Ver? What are you..?" I let out a shudder, "River, what do you mean?" He smirks at me cockily, "why are you really here? Because, we both know that the 'I always found you guys intriguing' is BS."

    "River-" My lip trembles, as I struggle to hold back tears. "No- Veronica this would never happen. This should've never happened. You were wrong to switch classes you'll never fit in."

    My brow furrows, why is he so indesisive?! "River what do you mean?" "Leave Veronica, just leave." Tears prick the corner of my eye and the back of my throat starts to feel cracked as I attempt to hold back tears.

    I run into the woods and climb a tree. I climb up the tree and sit down on a sturdy branch. I proceed to cross my arms, trying to keep from shivering and I let sleep consume me, as it's been a long day and I'm ready for it, I reach towards it with open arms.

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