Dream Meetings

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Hello, (your name).
What do you want? I'm trying to sleep here.
I just wanted to get to know my good side better, so I can take her down!
Shut up, I'm tired. Now let me go back to dreaming about Laurance's cute blue eyes.
I don't feel like it.
Oh Irene, if only I knew you would be so annoying, I would have never agreed to that date with Vincent. He said nothing bad could happen.
Rule #1 of living in Phoenix Drop: Never trust Shadow Knights.
Not even Laurance?!
Ugh... I HATE Laurance.
You hate everything.
Hey, you would have never had to deal with me, or with any of this if you never killed your old dumb monarch.
My father was being a terrible monarch! He was trying to attack and destroy Pheonix Drop! He was able to make it to the Sacred Heavens. Just imagine what terrible things he could do with the powers he gained there! The fate of-
Yeah, yeah, "the fate of all living creatures was at risk. I had no choice but to kill him." You still became a shadow knight for it.
Don't forget, there are good Shadow Knights in the world.
You were one of them, but then you went to the Nether.
What do you mean?
Haha... Justin Beiber. Anyways, when a Shadow Knight goes to the Nether, they immediately gain its evil magics.
Oh great, now I'm evil?!
Yep. HAHAHAHAHA! Anyways, what power did he gain in the Sacred Heavens?
He gained the power of mind control from the Demons.
But the Sacred Heavens are for dead spirits... And they're heavens. Doesn't that mean only Angels can live there?
Sacred... they hold dead spirits of all kinds. Well, there's only three kinds: Demons, Angels, and Gods.
Yeah, but what can you gain from Angels or Gods?
I don't know, but I think-
"WAKE UP, (your name)! DID YOU DIE OR SOMETHING?! DON'T DIE!" You hear Katelyn scream.
Ugh... time for you to go. We can speak tonight, but until then, SHUT UP AND LET ME SLEEP!
Okay... bye.

A Good Shadow Knight: Laurance x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now