Be Careful

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All five villains Evie, Daughter of The Evil Queen, Jay, Son of Jafar and Carlos and Carol, Son and Daughter of Cruella De Vil got into the limo, Jay and Carlos stuffed their faces with candy, Evie was replying her make up, Mal was plotting, and Carol was worried. Carlos noticed this and sat closer, wrapping an arm around her.

"Hey you alright?" Carlos said, starting to be big brother now. Carol nodded.

"Yeah I'm ok just a little scared, nothing to be worried about."

"Ok well, you need to be careful, alright? And look out for those vicious animals. Apparently a place as great as Auradon has those monsters here."

"Whatever you say Carlos, I'll be careful." the limo arrived and opened. Everyone got out and was greeted by Ben, Son of King Adam and Queen Belle. Ben went to shake their hands. When he got to Carol, Carlos grabbed her by the hand and pulled her behind him shooting Ben a glare that says 'Touch my sister and you die'.

Ben went and gave them a tour and Doug, Son of Dopey showed them to their rooms. Mal, Evie, and Carol walked into there room but Carlos grabbed his sister by the arm and pulled her into a hug and whispered,

"Be Careful"


If you like 'Be Careful', then read 'Sister De Vil' it's a whole story about this.

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