Liam's Thoughts

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Liam knocked on the door.

He was excited to meet the YouTube sensation, Sutton Jay. She did a cover on one of their latest holiday singles. The arrangement she did for the song was amazing, and her video editing was spectacular. He couldn't wait to meet the genius behind it all.

A lady in her late fifties opened the door.

"How may I help you?" She asked.

"We're here to see Sutton Jay," Liam answered.

"And who might you all be?" The woman interrogated them.

"Liam Attridge, Ricky Garcia, and Emery Kelly," Liam introduced them all. When he had introduced Emery, he was standing a few feet back, his arms crossed, looking not at all pleased to be there.

"Let me get her mom," the old lady answered and turned around. "Ms. Cordelia? Come here, please," she called.

Another woman looking in her early thirties walked up.

"Hello," she smiled at them.

"Miss, these boys are wanting to see Sutton," the woman said.

"Ah, thank you Petunia, and what for?" Cordelia asks the boys.

"She did a cover of one of our songs, and we want her to be in one of our concerts," Liam answered.

"Okay, let me get her," Cordelia called for her daughter. "Sutton, can you come here?"

There's a voice from another room.
"Yeah," there's the sound of chairs being pushed across the floor and a girl turns the corner, someone follows behind her, but Liam only looks at the girl he knows as Sutton.

Liam realizes he had been holding his breath. He breathes, hoping Ricky and Emery hadn't noticed.

Published on 12/21/15

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