Pregnant? (Michael's POV)

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Michael's POV


Lynette is pregnant?

With my pup?

It better be my pup!

Wait! Why am I even thinking that its not my pup. Of course it's my pup. I'm Lynette's first and will be Lynette's last. While I'm thinking about all this, I suddenly notice that the room is quiet, waiting for my reaction to this news. Blinking as if to clear my eyesight. I look at Lynette and a huge smile comes to my face.

"I'm going to be a dad!" I shout out to who ever is listening. Apparently everyone was listening as the room is suddenly filled with happy shouts of joy and happiness.

Lynette looks like she's about to fall down from surprise at my reaction and there's a look of relief on her face. I wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her close to me and placing a hand on her stomach where my pup is.

"What's wrong love?" I ask her.

"I just had a bad thought for a second that you wouldn't want this baby." She admitted while she placed her hand on top of mine. I instantly feel the sparks from our touch.

I growl quietly at the thought of Lynette thinking that I didn't want this child with her. Of course I did, she's my mate. Why wouldn't I want kids with my mate. Before we can talk about this any further, we're interrupted by my parents.

"Yay! My first of many grandchildren is coming!" My mother says while Lynette's eyes slightly widen at the thought of lots of kids. I laugh silently in my mind as I read Lynette's thoughts.

'Quit laughing at me' Lynette mind links me. Oops! I forgot that I hadn't blocked my thoughts from Lynette. I quickly shut up after that. We hug my parents before they leave to mingle with the other guests.

"She finally told him that she was pregnant. I wonder when she was going to say something to him" I heard my mother say as she and my father walks away from us. How did she know how that Lynette was pregnant?

'Sweetie, I've been pregnant before so of course I knew that Lynette was pregnant. Plus she was show all the signs of pregnancy and I could smell it too.' My mother mind links me. Again, oops! I forgot to block anyone from my thoughts. She could smell the pregnancy, my mother said. I quickly take a sniff at the air. Lynette's scent is the strongest as she's the closest to me. Ummm. Now that I've smelt Lynette's scent, her scent has changed slightly. I can't believe I haven't notice her scent change. At least I know the signs of pregnancy now and not later.

I'm cut off from anymore of my thoughts as my brother Jared aka Jar-head comes to congratulate us.

"Congrats bro" he says to me. "I'm going to be an uncle!" As he hugs Lynette. He hugs her a little longer than I would like and I can't help but let out a low warning growl.

"Relax, you're got nothing to worry about. I don't take other people's women and definitely not pregnant women." He starts to say to me. I think he got a little worried that he might of offended lynette by his comment when he said "Not that you're not hot, Lynette. Trust me you are." He finishes to Lynette.

To tease him a little, I give him growl that says to back off. My brother pales and puts his hands up "sorry, I'm going to shut up now" he says.

Lynette could tell that I was teasing him and smacked my arm and said "behave". I pull my face in to a puppy dog face and rub my arm like the slap did hurt. It didn't really. Jar-head on the other hand had a sulking face on and said "not cool dude" and walked away from us. I had a feeling that my baby brother was going to tell our mother and I would be in big do-dos tomorrow. Oh well.

We continued to celebrate and received more congratulations from the pack until Lynette yawned and got tired. Being human did have it's down side. We excuses ourselves or should I say I excused us from the rest of the pack and said goodnight to my parents. When we got to our room, we got ourselves ready for bed. I have to say considering that I'm not a human, it has been a long day. At least the best part of the day is at the end of the day I get to hold my mate and it's just us two ourselves.

I quickly strip down to my boxers and slide into the bed as Lynette steps out of the bathroom. When I turn to look at her, I'm wide wake instantly and another part of me is awake now too. Wow, I'm a lucky werewolf to have a hot mate. She is dressed in a hot red barely there lacy lingerie that leaves little to imagination. I can feel my eyes darken with lust and desire for my mate. My mouth waters and she walks towards me with her hips swinging slightly side to side.

I let out a husky growl in need for her. When she reaches me, instantly grab her and place her in the middle of the bed. I hover above her pressing my need for her against her core. She instantly moans and pulls my head towards her and kisses me. Needless to say, we did our own celebrating for the rest of the night until the first break of dawn.


A/N: that took me a while to write but I got there in the end. I don't think this is my best chapter I've written but let me know what you guys think please.




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