Working, and House Selling.

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I went to work pretending like nothing was happening or did happen. I realize that yesterday was a wake-up call and that this was really happening. As much as John want's to be in denial about it, he knew it was happening too.

Our conversation didn't pan out so well because he kept thinking about it. He threatened to go over to Martha's house and kill Mark with his ax. It took a while to take him down, but he eventually fell asleep from my hold around his neck. I just left him in the kitchen and went to bed, knowing I had to get up for work.

There was no way to convince Martha to let the girls stay with us for good since it was a joint custody. It was John's free will to see the girls if he wanted, she could move anywhere she wanted with the girls. I thought it was a shitty thing that Mark was a replacement and I was sure that he wasn't thrilled about it. Martha insisted that the girls call him dad instead of Mark, but they were stubborn like me.

I was the scapegoat in the conversation, all because Anna didn't want to call, Mark dad. Who gives a shit, she knows who her real father is. How could that poor excuse of a man be considered father material?

I went to check on my tables before one of them could give me eye contact. A few drink refills and empty dishes to take back, no big deal. A fake smiled all around and soon the big bills made their way into my apron. The lunch rush wasn't as bad as I though it was, in fact, it went by in thirty minutes.

I had time to call John to tell him that I would be picking up the girls so he didn't have to. He agreed and my boss let me get off early to pick up the girls and take them home. I was so proud of myself, I finally felt like an adult and was taking responsibility.

It was honestly survival instinct from living on the streets for so long. Pickpocketing strangers, stealing food off of carts and going into random shops to steal clothing. I still do it from time to time out of habit, but I would never tell John or anyone else about it. I want to set a good example for the girls, even if that meant lying to them.

I locked all the window's and doors because I had to leave the girls there by themselves. I would be worried for seven more houses, I got lucky so it would be an excuse to get off early. I told them not to answer the door unless is was me or their father.

I went to check my bank account and deposit my tips so I wouldn't forget. I was surprised by the thousands of dollars I had in my account, but it wasn't enough for me to like on my own. No matter how hard I worked, I will always be broke. Helping John with the house bills was a total nightmare, but if I wanted a roof over my head, I paid.

My tips ranged from one hundred to two hundred if it was a good day.

I wasn't the type to spend my money on useless shit or even go out to have a night on my own. I always made sure to save it for things I need, my art supplies, I was always running out. My painting's sold fairly well, but I wasn't able to paint anything, due to work and sudden changes.

John still had that painting of the girls in his room, above his bed next to other things that creeped me out.

When I arrived at the restaurant, everyone was watching the new and I saw Samantha cry. I raised an eyebrow as the group huddled close to the TV, listening to the anchorman go into the gory details.

"What's going on?" I asked, pretending to be concerned.

Samantha turned to me, her makeup was smeared around her eyes. Sam, she was a real mess, but I laughed on the inside because I hated her and she deserved that mess to run down her face.

" They found Carla in a ditch, someone killed her" She shrieked.

" Oh no," I said playing my part. " When did it happen?"

I really didn't care, the thing about living with a serial killer, it that your emotions begin to vanish. I felt like I was made of steel, a metal shell made with nothing on the inside. I was good at keeping up an act, even if it was something terrible. You lose sight of what it means to be human, you become a monster, easily disguised into the public.

" They found the body last night, they have no idea who did it, the suspect is still out there" Carrie butted in, " Alright, get back to work, I might have to close early."

Well, I guess Carla was useful for something after all.


I gave Sam a ride home since she didn't have a car and would always walk to work to save gas. I didn't have to give her a car ride, but then that would be a bit suspicious on my part. She would be one of Ted's victim's soon enough, but he would always do it at the wrong time. I had to pretend to act like a human being, so I wouldn't get mixed up in everyone shit.

Just hope Sam get's killed when I don't have to be around her.

"Thank's Raine, see you tomorrow"

I simply nodded and waited for her to reach her doorstep and left rolling my eyes.

I cranked some primus as I drove home, with what little daylight was still left. I hope that the girls were ok, I even brought them some dinner so no dishes were getting dirty. I didn't feel like cooking and I'm pretty such John would agree with me. I stopped at a gas station to fill up and get a little bit of junk food for my painting session. I really needed to relax, but I felt uneasy anytime someone mentioned a killer on the loose.

I knew who committed the crime, I just didn't care or even bother with the police. It was my family at stake and I was not going to just hand family over, after all they did for me. I'm sure John would make me watch the news with him just to marvel the crimes. The girl's should be asleep by then, so there would be no questions asked about our odd laughing.

I went inside to pay for my gas and grabbed my wanted snacks. I checked the back of my vehicle, due to some events that happened to me as a kid. I took a short cut to the house instead of wasting my time trying to push through traffic. I was fortunate to live close by many things, but it was also easy for people to find us.

The older John got, the more his killing became less. In fact, he almost seemed bored, but he continued to do it. I just hope he doesn't have a heart attack while he doing his killings.

That's the one thing that I'm worried about.

I arrived home and seen all the light on in the house, John's car was parked in my spot and I sighed with relief.

I was starting to get worried for a second.

Going inside the house was a different story, in fact, a whole lot of "what the fuck" was going on. The living was bare and there was the plastic covering the floors. The TV, furniture and everything that was clustering the wall, were gone. Boxes were scattered throughout the house, there was no sign of life.

" Um... John what the hell?" 

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