Chapter Two

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"Mon Dieu! I'm so sorry mademoiselle. I didn't mean to run into you."

You opened your eyes as two hands grabbed yours and pulled you back to your feet. You looked to met sparkling blue eyes.

You smiled at the blonde boy in front of you. "It's okay. I'm fine."

He nodded and quickly let go of your hands and glanced over his shoulder. You did as well and saw people laughing and snickering, obviously looking at you two. Did you run into the popular guy or something majorly embarracing?

"I'm sorry. But I need to go. I'm sorry." He said and ran a hand through his hair through his wavy blonde hair and ran past you and into the hall.

"Wait! Nevermind..." You said as you turned around to call out to him. He was already gone. You looked back at the snickering group and saw a girl was walking towards you.

"Are you okay, love? Did he hurt you in any way?" She asked with a look of distress on her face. You just stared at her as he held your wrists and looked at your arms. She had long really bright blond hair and bright blue eyes.

After a while you got tired of it and yanked away. "Who are you?" You asked.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I'm Alice. Alice Mainwarning." She said with a smile. "You must be the new student. What's your name?"

"(Y/n)..." You said slowly. What was going on? "Who was that?" You asked, pointing in the direction the boy ran.

"Oh. That's the peverted rapist Francis Bonnefoy." Alice said. "You need to be careful. You might wake up in bed with him if you get to close to him. "

You blinked in surprise. Your first thought was How can someone say that so calmly? You second was Well, aren't you a b*tch.

"Oh. Do you have you schedule and locker combo?" Alice asked.

You shook you head.

Alice grabbed your hand. "I'll take you to the office so you can get those. Then I can show you to all your classes." She looked at her wrist where you saw a shiny watch. "We have five minutes. Let's go." She grabbed your shoulders and turned you around so she was pushing you down the hall.

You looked back at her and ducked quickly, making her fall and stumble. "What was that for?" She asked as she brushed herself off.

"You don't need to push me. Or put your hands on me at all." You said.

Alice huffed a bit. "Okay. Sheesh."

You sighed silently and started walking. You really hoped she wasn't in any of your classes.

~Timeskip~ Brought to you by a white rose!

"And here we go!" Alice smiled brightly as she opemed up the door. "This is my homeroom! Room 117."

You looked down at your schedule. "But... My homeroom is 017." You said.

"Oh! Whoops." Alice smiled. "I feel so sorry for you." She put her hands on your shoulders. "Beware those kids. They're all trouble." She said before patting your head and heading into the classroom.

You looked around with a completly clueless look. Wasn't she supposed to show me there? You wondered. Lucky you, you noticed that the classrooms beginning with 0 were downstairs. And the largest numbers were on the east side and the smaller ones were on the west. Like that helped you much but you could just follow the numbers.

When you got to your homeroom, not Alice's, you were surprised to see it was quite a small group. About five or six kids were in it. You looked towards the teacher and saw there was a scrawny boy in place of the teacher. He had messy brown hair and big Harry Potter glasses over gray eyes. He looked even shorter then you! (So you can feel tall, dear readers who are vertically challenged like me!)

"Oh, um hello. You must be (F/n) (L/n)." He said and pushed up his glasses. "I'm Travis Long. I'm not a teacher, just a Teacher Assistant. Um. Why don't you take the seat in between to Francis and Matthew."

You gave him a small smile as you made your way to the seat he pointed at. His cheeks turned pink and he smiled back.

"In your dreams, Long! Kesese!"

You looked as you sat down and saw an albino boy in the front left corner of the room laughing.

"Um, h-hello there." You looked and saw a blond boy with violet eyes and glasses. He gave you a small smile. "I'm Matthew. Matthew Williams."

You gave him a smile in return. "Hello Matthew. It's nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n)."

He smiled and blushed lightly. He looked down and you saw he had a strange piece of hair that was sticking out. You reached forward to smoothen it down but a small tug on your shirt pulled you back. You looked behind you to see it was him.

"Ah, you don't want to touch that mon ami." He said.

You nodded a bit, taking his word for it. "Oh. I didn't get to introduce myself earlier. My name is (Y/n)." You smiled and held out your hand.

He looked at you then your hand before smiling softly. "Bonjour, (Y/n). It iz nice to meet you. I'm Francis." He grabbed your hand and held it upto his mouth and kissed your knuckles lightly.

You smiled and tried to ingore the words that Alice told you. "Peverted rapist Francis Bonnefoy. You might wake up in bed with him if you get to close to him."

"Are you already trying to get zhe frau, Francis?" Said the albino.

You looked at him and looked back at Francis as you heard him chuckle. "That iz Gilbert. He's a good friend of mine."

You nodded and looked between the two and looked around the rest of the room. There was a boy in the very back with brown hair. His face was in a book but you could see a weird curl coming out of the side of his head.

"Ve have another friend, Antonio, but he texted us he's sick today." Gilbert said. "That's Lovino back zhere." He pointed to the boy in the very back.

You turned and saw a boy with brown hair, a strange curl sticking out to the left, and he appeared to be sleeping on his desk. But if you looked closely, you could see the book in his lap and the pages slowly, silently turning.

Just homeroom seemed like such a welcoming and interesting place. Now you couldn't wait to see the rest of how your days would go.

First period was World History, so this should be at least worth staying awake for. If not, you could leave. Right?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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