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The same old routine cleaning the windows.Ms Smith is a angry woman she hates my guts.Ive been in this orphanage since I was 8.The only thing we get to eat for breakfast is half a slice of toast.I hate it here.
Ashton's P.O.V.
"Guys look at that sad girl in the window. You might think I'm crazy but.... I want to adopt her" I said nervously."I agree with Ashton" said Luke playing a game on his phone.In my mind I'm thinking how can we take care of a girl and we are only teens but I know this is the right thing to do.

Katy's P.O.V.
"Katy go down to the office".Why did they want me at the office?.Oh I hope I'm not in trouble again.

When I got to the office there is four boys signing papers."Ok Katy these are your new guardians".OH MY GOD IM GETTING ADOPTED!!."Hi I'm Ashton". "I'm Luke"."I'm Calum". "And I'm Michael"."I must go get my bag".I packed my clothes and laptop but I packed my private stuff,like my pictures and my diary it has all of my thoughts in it."Okay I'm ready".

The car ride home was crazy,the boys were shouting and messing and Luke was pushing Calum's arm.When we I got out of the car I saw a big house."Follow me I'll show your room".I followed Calum up the stairs.When he opened the door there was a double bed with white covers."Sorry there is only a bed we have to go to IKEA to get you furniture"."Thanks"."It's getting late you should get to bed"."Okay good night". "Night Katy ".
This was wrote SOO long ago and it's terrible. There is a sequel coming soon. I just wanted to say don't leave yet it gets better and the sequel will be
100x better. That's all I really had to say so yeah

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