Chapter 5

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Katy's P.O.V
So I woke up did all my hygienic stuff. I wore white crop top, white shorts and black vans. So I walked downstairs and everyone was awake."Can I go to the park?" I asked."Sure but be safe"they all said. When I got there it was packed with people my age it was really weird to be honest.

Then this guy walks up to me."Hi my names Jake"he said."My names Katy"
The his face started to go red." Will you go on a date with me like now" he asked."Sure". I mean what can go wrong anyway.

He took me for a walk past the pond.Then suddenly he kissed me."Sorry I should go"he said."No no it's ok". " Will you be my girlfriend"he asked." Sure". This is really sudden,I've only known him 2 hours."Crap I have to get home "."See you tomorrow" he said.

When I got home the boys asked me to sit down on the couch with them."Let's play 21 questions" suggested Michael." I'll go first"said Luke."Do you have boyfriend?"."Yes"
"What's his name,age and how long have you too been together"?said Luke.
"He's 14,his name is Jake and we have been together 2 hours. Their eyes were wide open.

"WHAT? No you guys have to break up your too young and I can't have him break your heart"said Ashton."No he's so sweet and you don't even know him and I'm not too young because I had a boyfriend when I was twelve"I furiously said."That's it your not allowed date and you go straight to your room right now!"he said. "I was going there anyway"I said.

I stormed upstairs and locked my door and started crying. He reminded me of my dad so much when he was drunk. Then there was a knock on my door."Can I come in"said Luke."Ya sure"I said. Then he came in and then realised I was crying." What's wrong?"he said worriedly." He looked like my dad when he would come home drunk and beat me up"I said." I think you should tell them about your past,it's for the best" he said."Fine" I said.

I walked downstairs and all eyes were locked on me and it was starting to freak me out."Ok I decided to tell you about my past and Luke already knows"I said. They started to stare at me even more. I told them the whole story and why I was upset. When I looked up they all had tears in their eyes." I'm so sorry for snapping at you like that"said Ashton." No no it's ok you didn't know" I said.

It was all silent and it was getting weird but then I noticed Calum and Michael don't talk that much."Guys do you talk a lot or...."I asked both of them."We do, just not a lot" Michael said defending himself and Calum

For dinner I had pizza and chips(basically fries) with Mountain Dew. I went upstairs and put on minion pjs.

I braided my hair like the way Catness as in the hunger games (if you don't know what the hunger games it's a series of movies and books). I fell asleep thinking about what Ashton said about breaking up with Jake.
Hiya guys hope you enjoyed that chapter I'm trying my best to make them longer.

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