Winds feathers

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'Somewhere near the isle of the goddess.'

"OOOII! NAMI!!" Yelled a certain rubber captain to the red headed navigator.

"*Sigh* What is it luffy?" Gritted Nami.

"Are we near an island yet!! I'm boooored!!" Luffy whined.

"No! Now quit bugging me, I'm trying to see where we are." She muttered to herself, "Now this is strange?" She said,

"What is it?" Said a gruff voice behind her, Nami squeaked and turned to see the green haired swordsman standing behind her, " Don't do that Zoro, you almost gave me a heart attack!" She yelled at the moss headed grump, He scowled "It's not my fault if you get to focused on your maps, now, where are we?" He said, crossing his arms

"I don't know! that's the problem!" She said worried, Luffy tilted his head "You don't?" He said confused, "No, this place isn't anywhere on the map." She said, Zoro turned to check out the horizon, Till he spotted an island nearby.

"Hey guy's, check it out I found an island." He said to the two passengers.

"WHAT!?!?!?" They both yelled.

"YES, FINALLY!! Maybe they have meat cause, I'm starving." Luffy said with excitement.

"OHOY THERE!!!" A voice shouted at a distance.

The straw hats turned to see a girl with silver hair, waving on a marine ship.

'Oh no, it's the marines!' Nami thought nervously

"Are you three travelers!!" The silver haired girl called to the tiny boat.

"NO WERE PIRATES!!" Luffy yelled to the marine.

"Oh?" She wondered.

"DAMNET LUFFY!! DON'T TELL HER WERE PIRATES!!!" Nami yelled punching the raven haired boy on the head.

"So your pirates!" She called, "Are you here, to harm my island?" She wondered to the three man crew.


"Less someone doesn't harm us." Zoro said gruffly, "SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!!" Nami yelled punching Zoro on the head causing a bump to appear.

"Well, as long as you don't cause any trouble then your free to go!" The marine girl replied.

"HUH, YOUR JUST GOING TO LET US PASS!!" The crew yelled surprised by the act of kindness.

"Well sure, it's bin  7 years since we have visitors come to our island!" The silver haired girl said cheerfully.

"OH, THANK YOU!! YOU WON'T REGRET IT!!" Nami yelled overjoyed

But the happiness didn't last long as the ocean started to rumble between the 2 boats, Nami screamed while Zoro and Luffy tried to remain balanced on the boat.

A sea King emerged from the depths with blue and yellow stripes on its body and razor sharp teeth. It raored at the sky till it saw the tiny boat with the three pirates staring up in awe and fear.

'Damn I forgot it was the season of feeding around here, I better save them!' The tiara bearer thought in panic

She positioned herself and glowed a soft light green color, opening her mouth to sing.

(Please play song hear)

The song carried of in the wind, summoning a green and yellow rabbit with wings for ears, to appear near her vulnerable position. The rabbit hopped to the front of the helpless crew, as the rubber captain stares with stars in his eyes at the scene before him. The sea King goes to attack the helpless looking creature, but missed as the bunny hopped over its head. The flying rabbit turned to the sea King eyes glowing letting out a 'kweeeeeee!' Having a glowing green rune circle appear under the giant fish, glowing brighter and brighter, till a huge tornado appeared, slicing up the predator to chunks.

The bunny left, in a tuft of feathers blowing in the wind.

(Song ends)

The rookie three stared in awe at the empty spot were the sea King used to be, now looking at the silver haired girl as she smiles.

"SUGOOOOI!!!" Luffy yelled with excitement stars in his eyes.

"Why don't I escort your ship to the docks, just so there isn't any more trouble." She said smiling, she turned and headed to the steering wheel.

Only one thought crossed Zoro and Nami's mind.

'She's dangerous.'

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