C.3 (part two)

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||Ayla Alsina||

"Ma... This food is good!" I said stuffing my face.

"I know." She smiled

"She gotta cook like this more often!" My dad said

"No.. But you can start cooking, how about that?" She winked

"Ahaaaaaha. No." He fake laughed causing me to burst out laughing. "Daddy..." Ky'La said

"What?" He asked

"You think you funny... But you not!" She laughed.

"Ha. You not either. You needa wipe ya own booty befo you try an start with me." He said dryly and rolled his eyes at her. She pouted. Me and mama, Antonio, Antoine and Kin'Ni looked at each other and held our heads down to keep from laughing.

"I'm playing baybeh!" He laughed. "You want a hug from daddy?" He asked. She folded her arms and scooted from him. "No. Leave me alone." She said. We all started laughing.

"Dang pops... You be getting everybody in tha house hot." Antoine laughed

"I'm playing y'all. Don't take me serious all the time." He said pulling his phone from his pocket. He started scrolling through it and making weird faces and then started laughing, but looking ad at the same time.

"What's wrong, baby?" My mom asked

He shook his head.


"Nothing, baybeh... Its just tha nation. They be getting on my damn nerves sometimes.."

She laughed. "They still crazy? I stopped paying attention to most of the negativity."

"Yeah. They play too damn much." He said.

"What you mean?" I asked him

"They 'jokes' or whateva..." He answered. I pulled out my phone and went under his pictures and see the usual. Girls being thirsty, and everything above and below.. I went to some of the fan pages and seen them making jokes about our family, then them talking about my dad and Danielle.

"We know you & Danielle fuckng in ATL while you got your wife and kids in Tampa." Some was agreeing. "You need to stop doing the shit you do and maybe you'd be happier" "Stop lying to everybody all the time. Be that real nigga you once was." Most of them said

"Well they being honest." I mumbled to myself.

"Huh?" My dad asked

"Nothing.. I was talking to myself." I stated.

"Clearly." He said

"Daddy!!" Ky'Lin ran into the kitchen.

"Wazzam?" He asked

"Cen you help me with somethin' homes?"

"What the hell?" My dad laughed. Me and my mom looked at each other and started cracking up. "Ky." My mom shook her head.

Love Don't Change [Book 4] (Not Edited)Where stories live. Discover now