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Just another day in church choir rehearsal.... With no one paying attention to me, aka the pianist.

Me: Okay. So what question did you have?

Director: I was wondering what key was At the Cross in.

Me: According to the hymnal, looks like E flat.

Director: Okay, great!

We practice the song in rehearsal....

Director: Did that sound okay?

Me: Yuppers! It's in performance condition for Sunday!

That following Sunday (1st Sunday)...

Deacon: Which song are we doing?

Director: At the Cross. #79.

Deacon walks off, I walk up to the Director*

Me: Remember, we start in E Flat!

Director: Gotcha.

I walk back off to the piano*

Deacon: Let us all stand and sing hymn number 79, At the Cross!

I start to play At the Cross, stops suddenly from a horrible clashing notes from the organ. I look up and glare across the pulpit to the director, realizing he was in D flat and certainly wasn't looking my way to see my complaint face*

Later, after service...

Director: I'm so sorry! I played it in D Flat instead of E Flat!

Me: I know... It's okay though, just remember it for the next service!

Moral of the story: don't tick off your pianist who is using a baby grand, while you play around with the transpose button on your electric organ...

End of church annoyance for the day. (Cause they don't really annoy me, they are quite funny however!)

Annoying Snowy for the Umpteenth TimeWhere stories live. Discover now