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In a large, coastal kingdom, people of all occupations hustled and bustled, always heading towards a specific destination. The merchants were off to make trades and collect products to sell, the families were rushing to drop their children off at school for the day before the parents headed out to work, the couriers and postmen ran about to make their deliveries, and the occasional tourist strolled though the kingdom with their camera and maps in hand. No matter the person or the occupation, there was always a destination in their mind.

The sun shone brightly in the sky, casting brilliant rays of light upon the shimmering cities of the kingdom, and the ocean that bordered it glittered as light bounced off the tranquil waters. Aobajohsai had been known for its breathtaking beauty and seemingly immaculate appearance. No streets seemed dirty, no people foul and vulgar, no underground groups appeared to plague the citizens. Everything was perfect. Well, it seemed that way to an average citizen who lived in the kingdom.

Beneath all of the cleanliness and purity that the kingdom itself portrayed, the filth appeared not in the physical form of muck and grime, but in the form of wealthy and sharply-dressed businessmen and women. Corruption had never been that much of an issue in the kingdom in the past, but it was beginning to unfold in the current generation of the Oikawa family, particularly through the king. Now, behind the scenes, anyone with wealth had some sort of power, and, therefore, some sort of bargain to make with the king, who had much bigger things planned than the citizens realized. He liked to use the word "expansion" when he spoke of his plan, but the proper word, unbeknownst to the people, was more like "industrialism." He wanted Aobajohsai Kingdom to get an upgrade, and he was going to get it through his own means instead of listening to his wife, who was known to be the voice of reason in their relationship.

Up in the glimmering castle atop the hill, the king continued to go about his corrupt ways while the queen turned a blind eye. There was nothing she could do to stop him; he didn't listen to her and he didn't love her anyway. She would let him be his own demise. Meanwhile, their son, an only child and the prince of the kingdom sat in his bedroom, sitting on the windowsill and gazing out over the kingdom, blissfully unaware of the approaching storm.

Why should he be worried? The weather looked fine to him.

The Prince and the KnightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum