Chapter 1: Old & New Friends (Possibly New Enemies)

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It was a spring day at Peach Creek High, and the kids of cul-de-sac were in the hallways chatting it up as usual. A certain group of three friends were walking down the hall, talking about their (or Eddy's) latest scam. The boys names were Ed, Edd, (Double-D or Eddward), and Eddy.

"I'm telling you, Double D if we go with this scam, we'll be eating jawbreakers for sure!" Eddy says to his friend.

Double D faced palmed himself and said,"Eddy, for last time, we are not going to put kids in danger by having Ed dress as another monster!"

"Oh come on Double D!" Said Ed,"I want to be the monster!"

"Ed, you know what happen last time you were a monster," said Edd,"You literally took everyone in the cull-da-sac and stuck them to your bedroom wall with half eaten chunky puffs."

Eddy got mad for a second but then heard Kevin talking in the hall with the other kids. Eddy then shushes Double D and says,"Oh great it's shovel head, let's see what he's bragging about now."

The three Ed's come around the corner of one of the lockers where Kevin is talking. Kevin continues to talks and says,"This friend of mine is an amazing singer, and is originally from Peach Creek."

"Really, Kevin?" said Sarah.

"Yep," said Kevin, "she doesn't live around here now actually because of her family living LA."

"Since when do you have friends outside of the cul-da-sac, shovel head?" Eddy said.

Kevin turned his head with a smirk and says,"Well...dork, you obviously don't know me well enough, also this friend of mine is coming in a few minutes, so you better stay away from her!"

The Ed's roll their eyes, and Eddy said,"Whatever."

Kevin then hears the door front door and forms a smile on his face. He then says, "Well I guess your about to meet her anyway, dorks."

Edd then says,"Well if she's friends with you Kevin then we should probably hi...."

Edd then stops, a girl walked in with brown short hair tied into a ponytail on her shoulder in a blue dress with a white button up shirt and with a red belt as well as black high heeled boots. Eddy and Ed both look at her as well and were speechless. Kevin ran over to the girl, and said,"Lauren! Nice to see you,"

"Hey, Kevin, nice to see you," she said as she rolled my eyes.

Kevin then brings her over to the group of kids and says,"Guys this is my girl, Lauren."

Nazz's smile turns into a frown and then Lauren looks at him and says,"Uhh...since when am I your girl, Kevin?"

"Oh come on, Lauren you know we have been together for a while," he lied to the kids.

"Oh really, because we are not, because I broke up with you three years ago after you started to like Nazz," she said to the little shovel head.

Kevin then started to sweat, and Nazz was really angry, Sarah & Jimmy were giggling as well as Eddy.

"Lauren, come on you came here to be with me," said Kevin.

"Oh I see what's going on here, you told me to come to this school to meet your friends for more attention brought towards yourself," she said,"Well if that's the case, I may go to this school now, but we are no longer even friends."

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