Tokyo Ghoul x RWBY

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There's a place where we'll stand outnumbered
Where the wolves and the soulless will rise
In the time of our final moments
Every dream dies

They had told us that a hoard of  Grimm were headed our way, but once we got there, there was more than the info provided. Reinforcements were provided from every kingdom, but it seemed like the more we fought, the more that came.

"Nevermore up ahead!" I heard, feeling the wind behind me. "KANEKI WATCH OUT!"

I knew I could take it out easily, but I forgot that they didn't.

I knew what had happened as soon as I felt it. I forgot that they didn't know about my kagune, and she came to save me.

" way." Denial surged through me as soon as I saw her. "Hey, get up."  All that red

"Quit joking around, this is a battlefield." I said, pain and fear creeping into my voice.

"Thank goodness you're safe." She said with relief and she caressed my face. "I thought I was gonna lose you."

I thought she was really strong when I first met her, all of them were. She took command over her team when it was needed but other than that, she let them do their own thing. But now, she looks so a child.

She winced as my hand glanced over the hole in her stomach and I saw pain written all over her face.

"Kaneki, you should have told us you had a cool power like that" she coughed as she spoke those words and I tried to shush her, placing my hands on both sides of her face.

My comrade was dying as that battle around in went on, and there was absolutely nothing I could possible do about it.

"I know, I know, I know and I'm sorry." I cried out in anguish. "I'm so, so, so sorry. Please forgive me." I was sobbing uncontrollably. "Forgive me."

"Kaneki...I don't want to die..."

My sobbing continued while I held her hand as she spoke these words. She was precious to me, her and the rest of her team. I miss them, their continuous laughter.  She was younger than me, I wish I had known her longer.

Maybe if I could go back, meet her before I was like this, and before she became like this. If only I could go back and meet the gem that shined like no other.

My precious Ruby.


I should have written this first huh, oh well, thanks for reading. Review guys!

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