Chapter 1

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I woke to find the bright screen of light illuminate the shadows that danced in the nursery.

The sun climbed to its highest, sending out rays of burning light to cast a soft glow onto the forest.

A soft figure lay next to me, warming me and making silky purrs tumble out of my closed mouth.

The gray figure twitched next to me, his tail slowly resting on top of my back as I eased into his touch.

Ragged purrs bubbled in his throat, and I felt a rough tongue cast a long stride against my shoulder.

I snickered slightly, shuffling my paws and grinding my teeth.

I gave an exaggerated yawn, hoping that would snap my mate back to his senses from tickling my shoulder which had grown to be my most ticklish area ever since I became pregnant.

When he continued drowsily, I kicked my back legs against his and he jumped in surprise.

He groaned sleepily, rolling on his back and almost tumbling into Tigerflower as if he were a kit.

I chuckled slightly and placed my paws on his chest, rolling him back towards me as he grunted while I did so.

"Stop acting like crow-food. You're not dead. If anything I should be the tired one." I teased, flicking my tail along his nose.

He sneezed as I did so. "I hate you." He lied, twisting his back in order to scratch it, his paws hanging in the air while his eyes closed.

"Get up!" I hissed, grunting in the effort to get him to his paws.

"No." He replied sassily. "I stay here. I'm your kit now." He gave a small smile and winked at me before returning to his scratching.

I groaned, rolling my eyes and plopping down next to him in defeat.

He smiled in triumph. "I won this time." He meowed, getting to his paws and simply walking out as his tail lingered around my face.

I was left with my jaws open, angered by how simple that could've been.

After a few moments I shrugged it off, curling back up into a bundle and resting my head on the spongy moss that lay beneath me.

My eyes lingered on Snowkit as she stared at me ominously while snuggling against Featherflight's gray belly.

I gave a wary glance towards the night sky when she shifted and tried making eye contact.

I didn't like the fact she kept staring me down. It made me anxious and fearful for what could come.

Her gaze... It was so much like Snowfall's when I watched as the color drained out of my mothers' eyes when I killed her... Off of anger.

Who does that? I wondered guiltily, spreading my toes and outstretching my claws so they caught clumps of dirt, letting me poke and prod at the squishy texture.

I grumbled and got up, not being able to handle the ongoing stare of Snowkit, and I started to pad out into the night's glare, having a soft, silvery light glow on my pelt as I walked.

My mind was troubled with regretful thoughts and horrifying assumptions.

I don't know how long I could live in the shadows and try to be something I could never return to being.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Secret [Book TWO]Where stories live. Discover now