Book Club

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A/N So this is my first ever fanfiction here on wattpad. *hides* It might be terrible. I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Surrender. :3    

          For the past week or so, his parents have been constantly bugging him about being more open to new activities and meeting new people. They didn't exactly like the fact that he stuck to one friend group throughout high school. So that's how Dan Howell, senior at Blackwell High, ended up sitting with a couple other students in a classroom at an after school book club.

          "Okay, guys. Welcome to book club." Ms. Brown, the schools English teacher, exclaimed enthusiastically. Dan had a gut feeling he was not going to like her.

          She wore a dark blue dress ending a couple inches below her knees. Layered over that, a beige cardigan slightly longer than the dress. Her black heels clicked loudly against the tiled floor as she made her way over to the group. She clapped her hands together once in excitement.

          "Seems we have a new member today, huh?" Dan sunk back into his chair as she along with the rest of the students glanced over at him.

"Hi." Dan responded timidly.

          "What's your name, darling?" Ms. Brown asked. Hey voice was actually quite modulated to Dans surprise.

"Um, Dan. My name's Dan."

         Ms. Brown smiled at him widely. "Well, welcome, Dan!" Everyone welcomed him before peeling their eyes away from him and back to Ms. Brown. Well, all but one, Dan noticed. He looked back at the boy with black hair who was still staring at him, and he quickly averted his gaze to the floor, a slight pink blush quite present on his face. Dan brushed it off and looked back up at Ms. Brown.

          "Okay, so have we decided what book we are going to begin reading first?" She asked, glancing around the circle at everyone.

         After a 10 minute discussion about different books to read, Ms. Brown turned to Dan. "What do you think, Dan? Any captivating books we should give a try?"

"Um, well. I-I'm currently reading a book called Little White Lies. It's pretty good so far."

          Everyone started murmuring to each other for a bit before all agreeing on Dan's book choice. "Okay, great! So next meeting, everyone who does not have the book, bring in your eighteen dollars as soon as possible." Ms. Brown said with a smile. She never seemed to stop smiling. All Dan could think was, 'How can someone be so happy all the time?'

          Ms. Brown cut todays meeting short considering they couldn't do much without the books.

          As everyone gathered their belongings and made their way out of the classroom, Dan couldn't help but look over at the boy who was staring at him earlier. He had these serene azure eyes that anyone would be jealous of. His skin had a ghostly pale complexion but it worked for him and his small frame. His hair was styled the same way as Dan's. Dan watched as he bent down to grab his bag.

         The boy picked his head up slightly to glance over at Dan. For a quick second, Dan could have sworn he felt a swarm of butterflies course through his stomach. He swiftly shook it off and flashed a small smile his way before grabbing his bag and exiting the classroom he would be spending most of his time in for the rest of the school year. Dan couldn't wait for it to be over, for high school to be done with. He was just physically and emotionally done with it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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