A New Start

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Max's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm in my ear. "is it already seven a.m?" I groaned as I tried to focus on my alarm clock. I shut the alarm off and let my arm hang off the side of my bed. The sun was shining through my window and onto a stain on the floor that I made when I moved into this dorm. I rubbed my eyes and pulled the covers off of me sluggishly. I scuffed my feet across the room until I got to my dresser. "what should I wear on this dreadful day?" I grabbed a pastel pink jacket and a white t-shirt along with some jeans that had random whole in the knees which weren't for design. I sat on my bed and put all of my clothes on. I grabbed my toothbrush and brush and headed to the restrooms. Victoria walked by me with a slight smirk on her lips. Even though she naturally had a resting bitch face, I thought it was pretty cool we go to the same college. As soon as I got into the bathroom I brushed my teeth quickly before any girls could see the ugly spit noises I make when I do. I always look like a raccoon with rabies when I brush my teeth. I grabbed my brush and went through my brown hair and untangled all the nots I never got out of my hair after I took a shower last night. I looked down at my phone and sure enough, Warren had texted me about ten billion times. I smiled and picked the phone up after putting the brush down.
Text convo between Warren and Max.
Warren: Max are you even awake?
Warren: Maxy moo
Warren: Max thy girlfriend of mine, please answer me!
Max: Dude, Warren I'm awake.
Warren: I was just making sure my Max was awake.
Max: Well it is good to know that my goofy, cute, Warren is wide awake ;)
Warren: Oh Max you make me blush.
Warren: But hey, meet me by the soda machines when you get here!
Max: Can do Warry-poo
Warren: alright see you then :)
Max's P.O.V
I stepped into the school with my bag wrapped in my hands. I passed by the concoction of different groups and made it to the soda machines where Warren was playing on his phone. His jeans were rolled once because he always bought them too long. He was wearing a black t-shirt over a grey long sleeved shirt that he scrunched up to his mid four arm. The intensity on his face from playing his game was priceless. Suddenly his head came up from his phone screen and went straight to me. "Max!" He smiled brightly and put his arms out for a hug. I fell into his soft comfortable arms and smashed my cheek into his chest. "Hi, Warren." I said softly, letting go of our hug. "How are you?" he asked palming the back of his neck with his left hand. "Exhausted.." I combed my bangs out of my face. "How come?" he squinted his eyes a bit. "Well I used your flash drive and watched all of those sci-fi movies you had in there and I only got about three hours of sleep." I rubbed my eye with the back of my hand. "and was it worth it?" Warren leaned. "definitely." I chuckled. The school bell rang for us to get to class. "Shall I escort my lady to her destination?" he held out his hand. "Oh that would be rather darling of you!" I talked in a. British accent and intertwined my fingers with his. We walked down the hall together with smiles on our lips until we reached my classroom. "we have arrived to your destination my lady." he bowed and kissed the top of my hand. "Thank you sir Warren, how ever shall I repay you?" I curtsied to him. "Well I got some things in mind..." he grinned. "Oh gross, Warren. how about a kiss instead?" I crossed my arms. "that sounds good." he smiled. I put my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my hips. I placed my lips onto his softly and motioned them around to get the intensity of the kiss going. his mouth was grabbing my lips as I played with the back of his hair. His hands started to slide lower than expected. I broke the kiss and moved his hands up. "sorry.." he sounded ashamed. "let's continue this after school, Warren." I smiled as I pulled away. "Okie dokie!" he saluted me, he was obviously not used to having a kiss like that but I'm sure I made his day. We parted to our classrooms before the tarty bell rang.
After School
Warren's P.O.V
I waited outside my car for Max to come out of the school. She always took her sweet time but I could never have an issue with it. Max skipped out of the school and straight towards me with her camera in her hand. "Ready to go, Max?" I asked her as she stuffed her belongs in her back pack. "heck yeah." and smiled and got in the passenger side of my four door retro car as I climbed in the drivers seat. Every friday after school we would go on a little date to where ever but this time I was taking her somewhere special. "So where are we going this time?" she sounded so excited. "This time is a secret." I smiled. She looked puzzled. "that's never good." she grinned. I parked into an empty part of the woods. "come on."I grabbed her hand and led her into the junkyard that her and Chloe hung out in. "Warren I can't be here..." she stuttered and sounded upset. "Yes you can, it's okay." I calmed her and brought her to the spot rachel was buried. I had put a sign that had Rachel and Chloe's date of birth and death and at the bottom I put r.i.p . Max covered her mouth with her hands and I saw tears come out of her eyes immediately. "Max I know how much she meant to you and that's why I want you to have this." I held out my hand which had a blue butterfly necklace in it. "Warren," she started to say. "I know it's not anything big but-" "it's beautiful, Warren..." she smiled brightly and put it around her neck. she tackled me in a hug. "thank you so much." she cried. I hugged her tightly. "it's my pleasure, Max."
the dorms
Max's P.O.V
"how am I supposed to do this?" my assignment for photography class was to have a picture of me representing my beauty. Even though my teacher was nice, Mr.Jefferson at least gave us an assignment that's doable with one person but I'm going to need someone who can help me. Maybe Warren could help me, I could just invite him to my dorm just to hang out for a bit... It won't cause trouble. I texted him to come to my dorm and he agreed to it. I picked up my room a bit and about twenty minutes later I heard a soft knock on my door. I combed the left side of my hair behind my ears and opened the door to Warren holding a box labeled "misc". I grabbed his jacket and pulled him out of the dark quiet hallway. "get in here Warren." I closed the door behind him. "I brought some different types of movies from my friend that I borrowed." he held them with joy. "Warren that's sweet of you but I need your help for this assignment." I crossed my arms. "yeah, sure. What do you need help with." he set the movies down on my bed. "I need you to take pictures of me." his face tightened up. "M-Max I don't know if that's such a good idea. I've never even been in photography class, you know I'm a science guy." he placed his hand on the back of his neck. "c'mon Warren just try." I pleaded. "I'll give it a shot." he signed. "thanks Warren. I have to find something pretty to wear now... I don't think I'll find anything near pretty in my closet so maybe I could text Victoria." Warren smiled, "well I think you're beautiful no matter what." I blushed. "You too Warren. You too..." Victoria sent me text back saying how she had a white dress I could borrow so I went to Victoria's room to get it. I knocked three times softly. "you can come in, Max" I opened the door and my eyes found Victoria sitting at her desk on her computer. "the dress is on my bed." I looked Shan at it and I had to that it was very gorgeous. "thanks Victoria." I slug the dress over my arms. "Anytime." she seemed very mellow so I don't know if she was tired of high. I went into the bathroom and got changed in there. the dress hung over my shoulder and was long with a slot on the left side. This dress actually made me look like I had boobs. I did feel pretty but Warren had never seen me in a dress. as soon as I got back to my room, Warrens eyes were conducted to my dress and me. "Damn, Max. You look like Aphrodite" he bit his lip. "you're sweet, Warren..." I looked down with a smile. "well i think for this shot that you should lay on the bed and look dramatic." Warren said. I laid on the bed carefully and held myself up with my elbows. "bend your knee." Warren said holding my camera. I bent my left knee and looked up at my lanterns. "that's good.." Warren took the photo. "okay I'm gonna do one from a helicopter view." I nodded. he stood on the end of the bed over me. "lay all the way back and let your arms drift beside you and make sure you rest your eye lids but still look at the camera with intensity." I laughed "you sound so professional." I smiled. "Not as serious as our principal." he laughed back. I posed in the position he requested me to. He took the shot. "Oh crap!" he started to fall over me but he caught himself by putting both of his hands on both sides of my head on the bed. He stayed there for a little bit just staring into my eyes. "Max?" he asked. "yeah, Warren?" I replied, starring right back at him. "I know I'm a geeky, loser who knows way too much about sci-fi movies but... I think I'm in love with you." I couldn't stop starring into his eyes. Even though they were brown, I thought they were beautiful. "I think I love you too, Warren..." I studied his soft face and all of its cricks and crannies. he lowered his lips and laid his smooth lips on mine. he moved his lips harder into mine and grabbed my bottom lip every time he pushed his lips harder into mine. I felt all of his love and passion through his lips. he let go to take a breath and put his nose on mine. As he went back into the kiss, It's like I forgot about every terrible moment in my life. I loved feeling the fabric of his shirt against me. I slowly grabbed my camera off of the ground and held it up to us as we still kissed. I took the shot just for the memory of tonight. I had to break the kiss before it went too far. "Warren," I started to say. "sorry, Max. I got a little carried away.." he sounded sorry. "it's alright but I'd rather cuddle and watch a movie." he grinned. "me too." he got off of me and set up a movie as I quickly got changed behind his back. he had started to movie and waited on the bed for me. I walked over to him and wrapped myself in his arms. I usually would have nightmares of what happened to me that Mr.Jefferson did but tonight I felt safe and calm as long as I was in Warrens arms. My eyes slowly closed shut as he laid his chin on the top of my head. It all went quietly black after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2015 ⏰

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