A Full Moon

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Thank you so much for already 21 reads in a day! I'll continue to at least put up a chapter daily. Thanks for reading! To thank you, here's a long(er) chapter!


Everyone in Salem knew the dangers of trying to escape. It's like trying to disappear off the face of the Earth while being a suspect in a murder case. The only innocent person was the Mayor, because he could reveal himself. All other people in Salem were just possible murders. And, often, the innocent were hung before the guilty.

So, clearly, Nanners was worried. Things had been stressful since that day's vote at the courthouse, where his Gassy had been one guilty vote away from dying in front of his eyes.

It hurt him even more to think that he was forcing Gassy to pretend to be escort. Of course he was evil, Nanners couldn't love anyone different.

The daytime faded into night, and the framer sat down at his desk placed in the corner of their bedroom, trying to plan out how to frame SepticEye for going after Gassy. This meant war.

Nanners heard the front door open, and assuming it was his boyfriend, kept writing and readjusting his map of the town. He froze when he felt claws against his throat. His eyes glanced up, and out the window directly above his desk.

A full moon. He hadn't locked the door.

Nanners prepared himself for death, knowing that the werewolf felt no mercy. A silenced gun shot hollowly echoed, though, and the claws fell from his neck. The framer turned around to see his boyfriend, a gun in hand.

He jumped into the other's arms, holding him close. "Oh, Maxie, thank you. You saved me."

"That's my job, isn't it?" The boy chuckled, rubbing his back. Gassy smiled down at Adam, kissing the top of his head. "But we have a bigger issue. There's a body in our house. And blood on our floor."

"We have to run. Things are getting too dangerous," Adam whispered, staring at the body. "I know a way. I was planning on telling you tonight."

"You had a way to get out of Salem and didn't tell me?" Max looked betrayed for a moment as he met Adam's eyes.

"You were out, I didn't want to call you home and seem suspicious. Chilled and Ze have two extra tickets for the train station a few miles away. Smarty and GaLm are waiting. The train leaves tomorrow night to New York. We have to leave soon, though. Before people start waking up," Adam whispered, cupping Max's face in his hands with a smile.

"I'll pack clothes if you go start packing some food and water," Gassy grinned, kissing the tip of his boyfriend's nose.

"Deal. I would tell you to shower, because you smell like gasoline and smoke, but we don't have time. Make sure to put my notebook and the picture in the bag," Adam nodded, turning towards the stairs and racing towards the kitchen.

Gassy quickly raised their drawers, giving Nanners and him three new outfits each. Adam's notebook, which he kept wedged underneath a floorboard under the dresser, sat snuggled in between shirts in the backpack. Finally, he snatched the framed photograph from off his bedside table, a picture of Adam and him in the courthouse, the day they had secretly gotten married by Ohm.

Max sped down the stairs, throwing the backpack over his shoulder. Nanners raided their cabinets, throwing in canned foods and bottled water.

"Are you ready, Adam?"

"As I'll ever be," he replied, zipping up the pack and pulling it over his shoulders.

"I say we go out with something memorable, right?" Max questioned, pulling a small device from his back pocket.

Adam grinned devilishly, nodding. "Set it for ten. We want to make sure we're long gone."

The couple exited through the back door, glancing around constantly. The tiny compressed bomb, usually used for building demolition, was set up in their living room. Of course, they couldn't help but to sprinkle some gasoline about as well.

Adam and Max raced through the grassy fields surrounding Salem, in the direction Chilled had said the train station would be. They got a few minutes out when a blinding light stopped them in their tracks. A car. An actual car. Nanners backed away, getting ready to sprint in another direction.

"Adam, Max, you can't do this."

Was it really...?

"Ohm?" Max questioned, shielding his eyes.

The mayor hopped from his car, turning off the blinding headlights. He looked a lot older out here, his face sad and tired.

"You guys can't do this. You're my friends, and I know what it's like out there. It's too dangerous. Salem is practically the safest place right now," he murmured, running a hand through his hair.

"We need to, Ohm, you don't understand. You don't get what it feels like to worry constantly about whether your husband is going to get torn away by a random lynch. We're going," Adam growled, clutching tight to Max's hand.

"I'm doing what's best for you, Adam-"

"You don't get to call me that anymore, Ohm! You made this happen!" Nanners whipped out his gun, aiming it at the man. "Does the car have gas?"


"Does it?" The man screeched, tightening his grip on the weapon.

"Full tank. Just go."

Without hesitation, Adam ran to the driver's side of the car and clambered in. Max followed suit with the opposite side, looking a bit afraid.

Ohm started speaking again, but Nanners just cut him off. "You've been a good friend, but this is it. See ya, Ohm."

In the distance, the explosive laid in their house finally detonated. Nanners made a U-turn and roared away, holding back tears.

"Adam, you should let me drive-" Max started, resting his hand on top of his husband's.

"I can handle it, Maxie. You just go to sleep," Adam reassured, sighing as he drove into the darkness.

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