Packing Together (Chapter 8)

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“Tiffany?” my aunt shook me. i opened my eyes and looked for niall. I finally remembered he probably left. “Yeah?” “Im leaving” i looked up at her. “Alright.” She smiled. “Wait? You dont have to work?” “Yeah but i have errons to run” i nodded and stretched. “Wait. Is it okay if niall comes and helps me pack?” She frowned. “Yeah thats fine” she sat on my bed next to me. “Are you going to be okay?” She asked. the tears started forming. “aunt kay,…. am i going to be okay?” I started to cry a little. she smiled. “Aww you love him dont you?” “More than anything” “Why dont you tell him to stay?” “No… i wouldnt do that to him.” She looked confused. “Did he ever tell you he would stay?” “He asks me everyday. And of course i say ‘no’” she looked at me and hugged me. “Your going to be alright” i smiled but tears still came out. “Thank you for everything aunt kay” she walked out the door. “Youre welcome hun” and she left. I got up and opened the closet to get dressed. As soon as i opened it Niall kissed me. “Niall? I thought you went home?” He laughed “No i heard your aunt and i ran in the closet.” He gave me a grin. He was just in his underwear. He had gotten so comfiratble with me. He looked at me and smiled. “You know i heard everything you said right?” I laughed. “Noisy much?” “I kinda had no choice” he hugged me. “You mean everything to me. Do you know that?” I nodded. “Good” he smiled and kissed my cheek. He backed me up to the bed and he sat down and hugged my waist. He breathed hard through his nose. Tickling me through my shirt. I jumped away from him. “NIALL THAT TICKLES!” He laughed “Oh really what about this!” He threw me over his shoulder and threw me on the bed. He grabbed both of my wrists in his left hand and pinned my legs down with his and tickled my stomach. “Ni… niall! STTTOOOPPP!” He yelled playfully. “SAY ‘ILOVE YOU NIALL AND YOU ARE THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER’” I LAUGHED. “OKAY OKAYYY! NIALL…. YOU.. A .. ARE THE BEST BOYFRIEND EVER” “Annnnnnnndddd????” He laughed “AND I LOVE YOU!” He let go of my hands and unpinned my legs. He layed next to me. “You are crazy niall” he smiled “I know ! So are you my love” he kissed my cheek and put his pants on. “Hey hey hey!” i yelled playfully “who said to put those on?” I said flirty. he smiled and took them off. “Excuse me” he put his hands up. I laughed he kissed my neck. I knew what he wanted to do but i wasnt ready for that yet. I acted quickly and jumped off the bed. “where are you going?” He asked sweetly. “Umm i umm need a minute” he nodded and i went to the bathroom and thought about a way to tell him im not ready. He knocked on the door. “Is everything okay love?” “Yeah everything is perfect ill be right out.” I panicked. I thought “okay ill just say it if he tries anything” i took a deep breath. I walked out of the bathroom and he was waiting there with a seductive look on his face. He grabbed my hand and kissed my lips then my cheek, my neck then my shoulder. He looked me in the eyes. He smiled “Its fine” i looked at him confused “Wh…. what?” He laughed. “I know your not ready my love” he kissed my cheek. I took a deep breath. “Wait… how did you know?” He smiled “Ive known you since you were 12, i know the look you get when you dont want to do something. And i completely respect that” i smiled. “Thank you.” I kissed his cheek. And i got dressed in jeans and his t-shirt he left a couple of nights ago. He was in his underwear “Wait here” i said as i checked the house to make sure no one else was home. “Okay. Niall. Come here!” He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where i was. “what do you want for breakfast?” “Food” i looked at him and raised my eyebrows “What type of food smart ass!” He laughed. “The type you eat!” I shook my head and slapped him arm. “Okay mr smarty pants! What SPECIFIC FOOD!” He laughed. “I wanna take you out to eat.” i looked at him as he grabbed my waist. “Nooo im okay i can make you something here.” He shook his head. “No imma take you out” i ran away from him and hid. “Tiff dont be difficult!” He laughed as he was looking for me. I started to laugh and covered my mouth. “GOTCHA!” He grabbed his hand and put it over my mouth. “Thought you could get away huh??” He pulled me closer and squeezed me tight. “Can we just go somewhere tonight instead?” I asked sweetly. He nodded. “Anything you want” he kissed the tip of my nose. I led him up stairs so i could pack and he could help me. I got my pajama pants and he grabbed my pajama shirts. “Ill be right back okay?” He nodded and got my clothes from my closet as i went to get my extra bathroom stuff. I came back and he had a pair of my underwear on and had my bra on his head. “NIALL!” I took the bra off his head. he just laughed at me. “Niall those are my favorite underwear! Your stretching them with your jeans!” He took them off and said “i need something to remember you by! These are perfect!” I snatched them from him. “Pick anything else but my underclothes!” he gave me the puppy lip. I smiled and thought. Finally i thought of something but it was in my bathroom. “Hold on stay here” he nodded. I ran into the bathroom and went through my jewelry drawer and got the necklace my uncle had gotten me before he had passed away. It was a clover with a black string around it. I walked into my room and saw niall asleep in my suitcase. “Awww” i said silently. I kissed his forehead and he grabbed me and pulled me onto him. I laughed and kissed him and i put the necklace around his neck. He looked down at it. He mimicked me. “OMG NIALL ITS SO BEAUTIFUL” i laughed and he kissed my cheek. “I love it baby! And i love you in my t-shirts. Its hot” i blushed. He smiled. and kissed my eyelid. “Niall? Do you want to go pack?” “Yeah lets go!” we walked to his house and we walked inside. “IM HOME!” He yelled. And no one answered him. He shrugged and we walked in. We went to his room. “Sorry for the mess” i looked around and the only messy thing was a shirt on the floor. I picked it up and threw it into a basket. “DONE!” I yelled. He looked at me and said “dont pick up my room.” i shook my head and picked up the cup that was on the bed and put it on his dresser. He got closer to me and laughed. He grabbed an old suitcase and threw some clothes in it. And put his favorite movie in it which was ” Grease” i laughed. “You love that movie dont you?” “Love? Naaahh i just like it alot.” I smiled as he said. “I love you though” he winked. “I know and i love you too” he hugged me

“WAIT YOU FORGOT SOMETHING!” I ran and layed in his suitcase. “Cant forget me!” i said playfully. “Wish i could” he frowned. “Ahhh im sorry … come here” he walked to me and i hugged him. “Both you and i will be okay?” He chuckled. “I know i will. But…. i dont trust you being with your mom. She’s an addict and its just not the best place to b-” i kissed him. “i know but i need to get out of here. I cant stand to stay here and hurt.” He nodded. My phone rang. I looked to see who it was and it was my aunt. “Hello?” “Hey come home” “Why??” “I have something for you!” “Can niall come” “I dont care. Hurry”


We drove to my house and i took niall’s hand as we walked up to the front door. I kissed his lips slowly and he kissed back. “I love you” i whispered to him and i walked in. “HI NIALL IM KAY!” She shook his hand. “Hello kay.” he shook it back and then stepped closer to me. And i laughed at him. My aunt waved us to her when she walked into the living room. We walked in and there was Jason, Jim, and of course my aunt. “Sit” we did. “Well we all are going to miss you and its going to be scary seeing you with your mother” niall squeezed my hand harder. Niall isnt a big fan of my mother. My mother has been doing drugs since i was born so it wasnt exactly great to live with her but i was planning on moving to hollywood. “We changed your ticket tiff” i looked up as my eyes widened. “What? Whyy?” she smiled “You can take the same plane as niall to go to America and then in america you can go to the states you need to.” I felt the knot in my stomach clench i felt sick. I seriously thought i was going puke. I helf my breath. Trying not to think of him walking away from me at the airport but i couldnt get my mind off of it. 

I got up and ran to the bathroom. Hearing niall behind me.

“Are you okay tiff?!” He said to me .he patted my back as he nealed down. my aunt came in shortly after. The more i think about him walking away from me at the airport, the more i feel sick. 

“Tiff….” she rubbed my back. 

“are you okay?” I nodded and got up. “Please lets not talk about me and niall leaving okay?” I said nicely but serious. she nodded and left the bathroom. I went in the livingroom and i apologized. 

“Sorry about that” they both accepted my apology and jason started to speak. 

“Im sorry for being mean to you. The only time i actually got along with you is when we would black ops together. Imma really miss that” he smiled at me. Then jim spoke. 

“It was great having you here. Even though you are very quiet, sometimes you come out of that shell and talk to me” i laughed along with him. 

“Thank you for being here for us. And thank you for punching me the other night.” I laughed. 

“Yeah sorry about that” he laughed and nodded. My aunt started to cry. “Whats wrong?” She looked up at me. “Im going to miss you alot. I feel like im losing my own daughter.” I smiled and my eyes filled with tears. 

“Thank you all for everything. Jim for being protective of me. Jason for showing me how to fight.” he and i laughed 

“And aunt kay…. thank you for being here when i needed you to be there for me. You took care of me when my mom is too messed up for it.” i wiped my eyes as niall rubbed my back. They gave me my changed ticket and they all hugged me. We all sat in silence. Then my aunt broke it. 

“Well we are going to dinner, want to come?” I shook my head. 

“Actually we would love to kay” niall interrupted me. I looked at him. “Never give up the chance to spend time with your family.” I gave him a half smile.

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