Is something wrong?

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Authors note:

Dear reader,

Now if you are gonna read this fan fiction, please be prepared for cliff hanger chapters. I will update when ever I get the time, which should be no more than three days or less.

I promise that I won't put in any porn or inappropriate scenes in it, but there will of course be slightly romantic snippets in it.

I also recommend being a sherlockian before reading this. You don't have to, but you'll understand everything a whole lot better if you have watched Sherlock.

Have fun reading!


Chapter one!

"Good morning, Molly," Sherlock murmured as he brushed past her.

"You're pretty early today," Molly said. "Is something wrong?"

Sherlock shot a questioning glance at her.

"Why would you ask that?"

Molly blushed as she said, "well, I can tell that you came here in a hurry."

"How did you know that?"

"Well, your hair isn't combed, one of your shirt buttons isn't fastened, one shoelace isn't tied, haven't eaten anything I see, and your scarf isn't knotted."

Sherlock chuckled. 'You've gotten better. Soon I'll regret teaching you how to deduce.

"Well that's funny because the other day, you said that you regret nothing."

"I guess I did, didn't I? Well I'll just have to live with it."

He tugged on her thick ponytail playfully, and was gone.

He never told me what was wrong, Molly thought. That disturbed her.

She didn't tell him, but she could tell that something was on his mind.

She noticed the look of concern on his face. His hands were clenched, his eyebrows slightly raised, and most of all, that tugging of her ponytail. What was that all about?

He was never like that. That man ignored Molly half the time, and only a few brief conversations had ever gone between them. Now, he was acting far from himself.

Something's wrong, she thought again.

What was it though?

He could just have had a very puzzling case or he had been under a lot of stress lately, but it still bothered her for the rest of the day.

What do you think? Please comment and ask any question or give me some recommendations or suggestions for the story if you want something in there and I'll see what I can do!

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