"I have a confession"

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"What?" Sherlock asked. He heard John perfectly, but he had to ask again.

"You heard me." John said in reply. He didn't want to repeat it.

"Well, is she going to live?" Sherlock knew it was a stupid question, but he couldn't help but ask.

"She'll be fine. But I think she'll be unconscious for the rest of the day."

And John was right. Molly didn't wake up until about 8:00. But when she did, she found Sherlock right next to her. She weakly smiled at him, and didn't resist any gesture he did to her. She let him feel her face and hold her hand. It was five minutes until she was able to talk.

"I managed to escape."

"How did you do it?"

"It was pretty simple really. I just hid in the back of his car when he went somewhere. And when they stopped to drop him off at the place where he was going, I managed to open the back door and get out before they drove off."

"And what happened those three days you were there?"

"On the day I was taken, nothing happened. The next day he abused me and beat me. And the third day, which is today, he-he-"

"Raped you." Sherlock finished.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she nodded to his answer. "And I know that he probably knows I'm gone by now."

"Did you get any kind of information before you got away?"

"I got the license plate number." She answered as she pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket.

Sherlock took it without hesitation, and called Lestrade.

When he came back to Molly, he told her that he was coming to help.

"Sherlock?" Molly asked holding out her hand.

"Yes, Molly?"

"I have a confession to make."

"Tell me."

"Well, you know how ever since I moved in with you, you'd been feeling that funny feeling in your hair?"

"How did you know about that?" Sherlock asked bewildered.

"Because I was causing it. Every morning, before you woke up, I had been running my fingers through your hair. And when you wake up, I always gave you your coffee before you could say anything."

"And you've been doing that all three weeks you've been here?" A smile was creeping up on Sherlocks face.

Molly nodded her head.

With this, Sherlock could do nothing but laugh. He had never laughed so hard in his life. He fell out of his chair and just laid on the floor with no sound coming out. He continued to laugh for two minutes straight. When he got up and came back to Molly, she was sitting up instead of lying down.

Sherlock moved away the chair and sat next to her on the sofa. And his next action shocked molly, but she never said anything.

Sherlock grabbed her hand and linked fingers with her. Molly gladly went along with it and rested her head on his shoulder. And Sherlock rested his head on hers.

They both very badly wanted to savor the moment, but right when they had gotten comfy, Lestrade had run up the stairs and opened the door. They didn't hear him coming, so when he came in, he saw the cute position they were in.

When Sherlock saw him, he stood up and startled Molly with it. But Lestrade had seen the position before he had stood up, and smirked at Sherlock. Sherlock ignored him.

After he had been there for an hour, Molly had told him everything she could remember. He was given the license plate number, and was gone.

John had worked late that night, so he wasn't back until midnight.

When he came back, Sherlock and Molly weren't there. He call Sherlock, an Sherlock said that he and Molly went somewhere and would be back within an hour.

When they came back, John was asleep.

Molly wanted to go to bed, so Sherlock made his bed for her and slept on the couch.

It had been a long day.



Molly's back at Baker Street, and now you know what that funny thing in his hair was! I was laughing!!

I only had a few more chapters, but I will confirm that I will make a sequel to this story! 😆.

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