Finding Happiness

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Finding Happiness

I don't believe in fate,

Or destiny or that life is preplanned for us.

I believe that we make that fate and destiny for ourselves.

That one day, we will find happiness.

Maybe not now, or in a few days,

It's something that won't always be easy.

I hate trying to cling to that belief.

But honestly do I have anything else?

I can't dwell think that I will never be happy.

Because I will be, and I am happy.

Maybe not my most happiest state,

But I am happy.


There's more to life than what I have now.

Of course there is.

I'm not giving up until I find it.

There is a garden of light at the end of the path.

How long it takes to get there?

I'll never know,

But when I get there,

I'll know I've found happiness.

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