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I wake up to an empty bed. I smile when I notice my mate is standing over me. " baby" he said standing over me. I glanced towards the door and saw something, out the corner of my eye I saw Quinn tense up. He starts to growling and I put my finger to his lips. I silently get up and walk over to the door. I pop my head out the door and someone pulls me. I stomp on their foot, turn around and start punching him in the face. The man pulls my hair and slam me into the wall. Fuck, that hurt.

I see Quinn over there just gazing over. I growl loudly and he snaps back to reality. He stops us and just stare at the man. I ball my hand into a fist and got ready to say something. "you were banned" Quinn was no longer Quinn but his wolf. "pal, its about damn time id be unbanned, don't you think" I wrap my arms around him and he mind links me 'get off' and I hug him tighter. 'no, I don't want you to do something you'll regret.' I sensed someone behind me and my first reaction was to kick.

I kicked Zion right into the wall. He was gonna hit me but then he noticed the guy. "what the hell am I looking at. " Zion looked at me and I started geeking, "bet he has a small dick" Kayla said and I died, "I bet he does" I couldn't stop laughing. "wow your mates a bitch too" I smirk, I will give him hell. " hey.... hey... hey.." Arreis came yelling.  "Night!!!!! I missed you" the man picks her up. I growl. "how do you know him?" she continued to play with his hair.

'Well its a faze at the beginning but I remember I was a baby, like at the hospital, and he came and pricked my finger and then his, our blood bonded and he whispered 'I am.." she was cut off be night clearing his throat. "Anyways years went past and u started playing with me less and I would dream of him and he would appear and we would play." I continue to glare at him but im confused.

"Meeting, in five, I don't care what time it is... Everyone that is here better come." Quinn walks in our room and I walk down stairs. Arreis and night follows after Zion and Kayla and I and already on the couch. "cunt" I say as he walked by and he whispers something in Arreis's ear and she laughed. "what he say" I ask her and her just laughs. I cross my arms and Quinn walks down with a plaid shirt and jeans. He sits next to me and I wrap my hands around his arm.

He got straight to the point. "Why are you here you back stabbing bitch" my eyes open wide. "Go play cupcake" he tells my sister and she listens. Night smiles and Quinn growls loudly. "Aren't you gonna lay everything out on the table? " I looked at him and he sighs. "Night is a wolf/seeker, that means he can see the future and bad things happen when he comes around. He may change the outcome but...... ughhhh....... This was my best friend, he did things and he was band. Details don't matter." Quinn stops talking and I can feel his pain, something really happened. "I didn't know how to at the time, I would have, I -" "SHUT UP... I DONT WANT YOU HERE, JUST STATE THE REASON."I can tell he really is pissed off.

"I found a mate. and its your mates sister. It was the day you kicked me out. I was wondering around the hospital and I found her, as a baby. I bonded us and ever since I have been protecting her. Who do you think tide up your sister and the other girl and put them in the closet, they were sleeping so it was easy." Night was going to continue but I stopped him. 'should we let him stay here' I mind link Quinn and he said no. 'he might be lying' he said and I'm going to test the theory. "Arreis come here" and she runs up to me. "On the count of three y'all will say the exact same words that you said at the hospital, Ready... 1...2...3" "I will always protect you" they said and my heart sank. it was cute and... I don't know. Quinn elbowed me. "stop feeling like that. " I looked anywhere but his eyes until he grabbed my face and made me look at him.  I lean in and when he didn't lean in I went all the way and just kissed him.

"fine, you may stay but.... Anything happens and I wont let you go so easily, I will kill you painfully and enjoy doing it you hear" Quinn said and Night nodded. "Your room is next to Zion's" I said and I hug Quinn for no reason, just wanted to.... "Congratulations......" Everyone looked at Night like he was crazy. "What... you don't know?" he says and its dead silent.  Like no lye. "Your pregnant " he says looking at me and my eyes widen. "Your talking to?" I say confused. "You, how did you not know you can hear the heart beat" Everyone one stayed quiet and you just heard both of our heart beats... "Whoa.... I'm pregnant" I heard a splash of water  and look at Kayla, "My water broke" everyone look over and saw Maddie. Almost all our eyes  popped out. "OH SHIT" I yelled, "I didn't see that coming" Night said, "I cant believe I'm going to be a father" Quinn and Nate said at the same time, "where did you come from" Zion and Kayla said.

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