The Ride Home

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o.o I am sooo happy that people liked it :D made my day. This chapter isnt so long but whatever.


Dedicated to my first fan :D and also my other fans :D

Hope you like it.

Note: not Edited

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 Andy Six under cover ----->

       By the time my shift was over I was beyond tired and I was ready to pass out at any second. I went into the lounge and told Brittany that I was going to walk to her house. She seemed okay with it because outside wasn’t too dark and her house wasn’t too far from the dinner. I grabbed my things and put on sweater and headed towards the door. I pulled my sweater closer and put on both of my bags. I began to walk slowly to the direction of Brittany’s house. I felt that someone was behind me so I slowly turned my head and saw a black Mustang slowly pulled up next to me. The window began to slowly be rolled down and I saw the cute guy from the dinner Zack in the drivers seat.

“Hey.” he said.

“ummm.. Hello” I said unsurely.

“Do you need a ride?”

“Um not really, I am fine walking.”

“It is going to dark soon and I don’t think it would be an good idea for you to walk by yourself in the dark. There is a lot of creepy people out there.”

“No I am fine, Its not far so its fine really. Plus I don’t want to bother you.”

“It would not be a bother actually I would love to give you a ride to your house.”


“Please?” he asked sounding really hopeful.

“Umm” I paused “Okay” I said slowly getting into the car and buckled my seat belt. (note: NEVER get in a stranger’s car…. O.O if you didn’t already know that….)

“Hello my name is Zack” he stated.

“I know you left your name and number on that piece of paper at ‘Nightmare’.”

“Ha-ha, Yeah I know I was trying to get you to say your name.” He said rubbing his neck with one hand.

“Oh.. Well seeing as you did give me a ride. I might as well tell you my name.” I said

He chucked “So that is your way of repaying me for the ride?”

“Yes. And my name is Ronnie”

“Well hello Ronnie, it is a pleasure to meet you.” he said. The way he said my name brought a smile to my face. I really don’t know why but it did.

“So where to?” he asked

“1683 Sketch road.” I said softly (note: address is made up I think >.>)

“Oh I know where that is at.”

“Really?” I asked surprised

“Yeah when I need to clear my head I drive around there, it calms me down.”

“That seems like a good place to clear your head at.”

“It is….” We began talking and we had many things in common which made everything seem even cooler. Maybe I should invite him to the mall? Would he show though? What if he did I would be so upset but if he did that would be really awesome. Maybe I should do it yeah I am going to ask him want can I lose right?

“Hey Zack?” I asked once he pulled up the Brittany’s house.

“Yeah Ronnie” he said back

“Umm tomorrow me and some friends are going to the mall and later to a movie do you by any chance want to tag along?” I asked crossing my fingers in my mind hoping he would say yes.

“What time?”

“About five-ish we are going to meet up at the mall I would love if you do come but you don’t have to of course if you don’t want to.”

“Ill go.”


“Yeah it sounds really fun. And I would love to hang out with you. You seem like a really cool person and from what we talked you are fun to hang out with too.”

I smiled at that. “Okay at five and me and my friends will meet you there. Ill text you when we get there and where to meet us when you are there too.”

“Okay sounds like a plan.”

“Okay” I said I as I got out of the car. “Bye see you tomorrow.”

“Bye.” with that I closed the door and walked to the house where Alex was waiting for me.

O.O its not long D: oh well....

Stacy ^^

I didnt know he was Andy Sixx (no longer being written)Where stories live. Discover now