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"Enjoy your coffee and have a great day." I recited, plastering a large smile on my face as I handed the women her drink. She smiled back at me before disappearing through the glass doors. Sighing, I slumped back into the chair that was behind me and balanced my feet on the edge of the checkout counter. It was a quiet day at the store, like most days. Melanie's Cafe and Bake shop didn't get much business. Most people preferred to go to the large chain coffee shop a few blocks down where the prices were lower and the level of chemicals in the drinks was higher.

    "Hey, Parker!"

    I looked up, rolling my eyes as a thin boy with greasy black hair headed towards me.

    "What do you want, Harry?"

    Harry was a strange, more than slightly creepy boy who hung around the cafe most days and was always trying to get me to go out with him.

    "I was just coming to say hi."

    Scoffing, I tugged a ponytail holder off my wrist and haphazardly pulled my long hair into a bun on the top of my head.

    "I think we both know that's not what you want. So if that's all and you aren't planning on ordering something, I would appreciate "

    He smirked at me, his mouth a nauseating array of yellowing teeth and bits of food in the crevices.

    "Well, since I know you don't have anything to do tonight, what do you say I take you out for dinner?"

    I cocked an eyebrow, curling and uncurling my toes in my boots as I tried to think of a polite way to tell him there was no way in Hell.

    "Sorry, Harry, but I actually do have plans tonight. My brother wants to spend some quality family time together."

    He leaned against the counter on his elbows while squinting at me mockingly.

    "Are you lying to me?" He whispered eerily, sending a sickly shiver through my bones.

    "Yeah. She actually has plans with me tonight, so why don't you just run along to Mommy before I decide your face needs a little bit of... rearranging."

    I lifted my eyes up to find a tall guy with dark brown hair and eyes staring down at Harry, his very well built arms crossed over his chest. Harry chuckled nervously, glaring at me quickly before scurrying out the door.

    "Thanks, but I was handling that myself."

    He shrugged.

    "I don't doubt that you were, but that guy was creeping me out and I just walked in." He stuck his hand out. "Calum Hood."

    "Emma Parker." I replied, giving him a quick once-over. After a few minutes of us awkwardly staring at the other, he pulled his hand back and ran his fingers through his hair.

    "I guess I should order something, huh?"

    "If you want to. Some people come in here just to use our wifi."

    Calum smiled at me, turning his gaze to the menu above me.

    "Alright, so what's good here?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    I let out a relieved breath as I hung my standard red apron on its designated hook in the back, slipping one of the straps of my backpack over my uninjured arm. It was harder to make coffee with one-less hand, but four hours later, I was still in one piece.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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