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Sarah stares at the field of children, running, jumping, playing. She smiles as she catches sight of her prey- Norman Ellwin, the nerdiest, lamest, and most annoying kid in school.
She grins, and hops off the swings. The other kids around Norman seem to fade away, as he became the only thing she saw.
She ran at him, and grabbed his shoulder, yelling the words that every child on the playground new and feared as if it were the place itself- "TAG! YOU'RE IT!"

As Sarah runs away from her poor victim, the sea of sticky fingered children back away, creating a circle of a space about fifteen feet in diameter around Norman. He stands, and walks forward, his circle of space traveling with him.
The children watched him, like the calm before the storm, waiting for his strike.

He stands there, then leaps out, hitting Cathy Windsthrop on the shoulder, and calling out "TAG! YOU'RE IT!". Cathy Windsthrop screams, and kids go wild. Running this way and that, Children trample other children, and all look like a wild stampede.
Sarah climbs to the top of the slide and watches the pure chaos she had created. She closes her eyes.

When she awakens, it is dark. Sarah wonders why an adult never woke her up. No matter.
She gets down and begins walking home. What else could she do?
She walked for three blocks, then couldn't remember whether to turn right or left. She chose left, and kept walking.
Suddenly, houses became unfamiliar and new. she tried backtracking, but that only made her disoriented and confused.
Soon, the houses were farther apart, with far more trees between them. She felt her heart thumping wildly in her chest. Her eyes dart from side to side, seeing only dark trees and shadowed houses.
There is a crack behind her. She turns, looking for anyone, anyone. "Hello?" She calls out, only to have her voice answered by the sound of night. She turned back around, and began to walk forward when something grabbed her ankle. She looked down in horror at the grotesquely inhuman hand.
"Tag," a raspy, growl like voice whispers, "You're it."

Sarah was never seen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2015 ⏰

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