Chapter One

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Hey everyone who is reading this! I want to remind you that I haven't read this type of crossover yet so there will be differences in this. A lot of the facts in the story have the same plotline. But there are a few things that changed. The book will he during New Moon.  I will tell you if I go deeper into the series. All of the story is in Percys POV unless it say differently.

Question of the update: What animal would you like to be?

"Oh you think your soo cool because you fought in two wars." Annabeth sneers at me "well newsflash flash dense guy, so. Did. I." We had gone through this every time we crossed path. Which happens to be five times. Each day. And that's not counting meals.

"Thian here is a real hero. He saved his mom from the Minitor." She purrs running her hands up Thians arm trying to grab his attention. Good luck with that Annabeth. He doesn't notice girls. He has his eyes on a girl and she isn't her. It's Shay Wilems daughter of Demiter. She's 7. Sure that's wrong for a 18 year old boy to be in love with a 7 year old but he hold an exception.

Thian looks at Annabeth with a bored face as she distracted him from gazing at Shay. "Get off me Annabeth and stop being rude to Percy he's loyal and caring and has helped in amazing ways that your to envious to admit to. He didn't do anything to you but be the best boyfriend possibly. What do you do to repay him? Be a slut and sleep with Poseidon, Ares, and tons more famous people. I wouldn't be surprised if you slept with the God of sluts. It's no surprise that you actually pregnant with Poseidons kid." He says bored with a hint of anger.

Wait. Hold the tides. Did he just say that she was carrying my father's spawn?

I must of showed my shock because be laughed at me, not in a mean way but a friendly. "You know as well as I that she raped him in a way. Does it really surprise you that she's pregnant?" I hold in a snort "I would say you should be on 16 and pregnant but I realize that even though you have the development of a 11th grader you are 18. So opsie your not getting anything out of this but stretch marks and a pregnant body. Though it may do you some good." Thian muses super serious.

Thian then tensed up and looked at to where Shay was. She was being bullied by some of Ares kids. His eyes flashed black but went back to normal when I put a hand on his shoulder. He ran over to her while I went to our cabin.

I grabbed my already packed bags from under my bunk and write a letter to Thian.

Dear Thian,

We both knew that this would happen soon. In going for a while to my cousins place. She's staying in Forks, Washington. They are related on Paul's side. You might of herd of her: Bella Swan. I also have another cousin there but he doesn't like to be known. Ill take care of your sister and watch for her starting. I want you to read all the letter that are hear at the campfire when ever you find this.

Thank you for being there and for being my friend. I would have left this world a long time ago if it weren't for you. I hope that when I see you again you won't be changed and Shay has blumed into the flower we know she will be.

Tell everyone that these letters were my last words. That I had started cutting and tonight I went by the see with riptide and killed myself. Only tell Thalia, Nico, and Clarrise what actually happened to me.

Don't lose hope.

Dear Chiron,

You were a father to me. A good one at that. Ok glad that you never fell for the tricks everyone found the truth. I'm sorry it had to end this way.

Dear All my friends who stayed true,

Why did you do it? Go through so much trouble just to stick by me? I will always wonder that. But I will forever be thankful. You stuck by my side even why times got hard. If you ever need me don't hesitate to ask. You'll get that later. Nico don't try to summon me. It won't work.

The Hunter (Not continued on here; its continued on @EchoLoud account!)Where stories live. Discover now