Ain't It Fun? {Damien x Ryker} Ch. 1

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[Kingdom AU]

WARNING: characters might be OOC
Also, this is going to be one of the stories, if not the only story that is not a oneshot in here since some people in the group requested a sequel


Damien grinned as the guards brought Ryker in. Using his foot, Damien tilted the fallen prince's head up to be met with a glare, which only made his grin wider. He bent down so their faces were only inches apart. "Hello, Prince Ryker," he said, only to be met with spit in his face and a "fuck you" from the other. Calmly, he wiped the spit off his face before kicking the other across the face, hard enough for him to fall.

He got up and walked over to Ryker, who was coughing slightly. He stepped on his broken legs and smirked.

"Ain't it fun? Feeling despair," he said, moving his foot up to step on the other's dick and eliciting a pained groan from Ryker.

He bent down so their gazes met, the smirk still present on his face.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?"

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