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This is not a good idea, Imogen. Just turn around and go back to your car.

No, I shook my head. He needs to know.

Currently, my fist was hovering over the wooden front door of Ashton Irwin as I battled with myself over whether to knock it or not. I knew I had to tell him. As scared as I was, he deserved to know and make his own decision about whether he would stay or not. I knew it was completely plausible that he might not, of course, and I didn't yet have a Plan B, but I had to tell him, and now was as good a time as any.

Slowly, I brought my fist down in two, quiet taps. I took a deep breath and stepped back as I heard footsteps heading for the door, and suddenly the door swung open to reveal him.

Ashton's hair was just shiny and curly as the last time I had saw him, and his eyes were glistening in the sunlight. His face stretched into a timid smile as he looked at me, obviously confused.

"Imogen?" He said, sounding as though he was worried that he might get my name wrong. I didn't blame him. I was supposed to be a one night stand, but somehow, this has turned into a whole lot more than that.

"Hey, Ashton," I said, offering him a small smile. "We. . . really have to talk. It's important." I fiddled with the hem of my jumper nervously as I spoke.

"Oh," he replied, frowning, before he painted a smile onto his face and moved to the side. "Well, come in, then."

I smiled gratefully as I moved past him and into his home. "Thanks," I said as I looked up at him. He was actually quite a bit taller than me, and that wasn't something I remembered from the last time I'd. . . well, been with him.

Ashton smiled sheepishly in return and closed the front door, walking in front of me until we reached a room I vaguely remembered. It was a fairy small living room, with two brown sofas and a TV in the corner. "Take a seat," he said, gesturing to one of the seats. "Would you like anything to drink?"

"Water would be good. Please and thank you." I giggled to myself, and he chuckled slightly.

"Coming right up."

As he left the room, I went to take a seat on the comfortable looking couch. I sat down, immediately sinking into the comfortable fabric, and looking around the room. On the mantelpiece, there were a few picture frames with photos in them. One of them, contained a photo of Ashton, a younger boy, a teenage girl, and an older woman I assumed to be Ashton's mum. In another, there was a picture of the hazel eyed boy with three guys that I recognised as his band mates.

Soon enough, Ashton entered the living room and I flashed him an awkward smile. He handed me a tall glass filled with clear water. "Thank you," I said, sighing, "for the water, and for, you know. . . letting me into your home."

"Not at all," he replied, shaking his head. "I was hoping I would see you again."

I smiled weakly, but I couldn't stop thinking, you're going to be seeing a lot more of me from now on, mister.

"So, you said you had something to tell me. . .?" Ashton asked, biting his plump bottom lip. I guessed it must be a nervous thing, but it just made him look all the more attractive.

I nodded, looking down at my lap as I felt the tears come on. I didn't think this would be as hard as it was. But I was basically ruining his whole damn life. A tear ran down my cheek and fall into my hands.

"Are you crying?" Ashton asked, sounding a bit worried. "Please don't cry. What's wrong?"

I sighed for what seemed like the seventeenth time that day, and decided to just come out and say it. So, looking him directly in the eyes, I blurted it out. "I'm pregnant."

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