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When I wake up I remembered that I had to go to school, which really sucked nobody likes school, especially when you get bullied every day. I got up and got ready after I changed (outfit up top) I put on some make up just enough to cover up my cheek where my dad slapped me. I shouldn't even call him dad anymore ugh.

    Jc had called me to say he was here so I went outside and got in his car. "Hey" I say. "hey, we're just gonna pick up monica then we'll go to school ok?" he says. "k sure, thats fine" i say normally. "whats wrrong are you ok?" he askes. "yea why" i swear he is one of the only ones who can tell when there is something wrong with me. Lets just say im really good at hiding my feelings and emotions. "I know when theres something wrong with you." See he knows everything. Well i mean yea we have been friends for a really really long time. "i'll just tell you later focus on driving please i dont want to die today." i say with a chuckle. He just shakes his head and focuses on the road. After a few minutes we pick up monica and on the way to school we go.

    When we get there the bell rings so we go to our class. My first class is with jc so we both say bye to monica and we go to our class. Honestly im really glad to have jc with me in this class because its my worst. My teacher absolutely hate me because he put me with the worst boys in the planet... my BULLIES. They treat me liike shit and hit me. But not in front of jc, he knows absolutely nothing.

    If he knew he would literally kill them. And they are scared of him for some reason. The bad thing is that they threatened me not to tell him anything. I tell jc everything and it kills me that i cant tell him, literally kills me.

    Luckily nothing happened but after school their probably gonna do something to me sadly but true. This is why i hate my life, i cant do anything or else I'll just get hurt. I dont want to live, but i also dont want to leave my friends. I just have to stay one week.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2016 ⏰

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