Must Escape

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A beautiful pure blood vampire. That's what I am. The most important piece to this stupid puzzle. Why do I have to be stuck here when I could be out discovering the world? Oh right because I have to stay here and create the best warriors with my blood. I swear I'm just a bag of blood to these jerks. I have to get out of here...

Its the perfect opportunity to get free! I just have to sneak out during their meeting. I have to try.
I quietly open the large door and poke my head out. Safe. I step out and sneak down the cold hallway and look around the corner. Safe again. I continue until I reach the meeting hall. Guards. Not safe. I need a distraction. I look down to find a pen on the ground. Perfect. I pick it up and aim it right at the light above them and throw it. The light shatters and the hallway goes dark. I quickly run past the guards and off to the next hallway. I slam directly into something and I look back up to find its one of the head guys in the meeting. Damn it. This is my one opportunity to escape this place. I quickly get up and slam my fist into his stomach then swing my foot around and kick him directly into his head. He falls down and I go around him and run. He chases after me and I know I'll be caught if I don't get rid of him. I stop running and turn around and run after him. I jump up and grab his head and rip it off. He's going to live when they put him back together but its an easy way to get rid of him now.
I keep going through the halls avoiding anything and everything I can. Luckily there isn't anyone else I have to get rid of. I finally get to the exit and run out.
The sun shines directly into my face and starts to burn my skin a bit. I quickly run over to the shade. Where do I go now?

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