Chapter 2: Lost Memories

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Haru Kyugi
Birthdate: February 10, 2010
Age: 17
Hair color: Hazel
Hair style: Kaneki Ken (when hair was white; Tokyo Ghoul)
Eye color: Dark Brown
Height: 5.9 ft
Weight: 145lb
Body Build: Tatsumi (Akame Ga Kill)
About: He was Kirie's childhood friend and stayed with her and always protect her. He have a double personality which occurs when he blacks or passes out

Haru POV
The clock was ticking slowly and the clicking noise echoes throughout the apartment, and with every second the clicking gradually becomes louder making me feel anxiously weird. "It's been about fifteen minutes." I wonder if she's okay. But not knowing makes my head hurt tremendously. Making it feel like I've been hit by a wrecking ball. "I'm going too." Without hesitation, I grabbed my sweater and dashed out the door hoping to see that she's okay.

Kirie's POV
"Ugh these bags are killing me." I was carrying about six bags and all of them held five things each. At this time of night crimes usually happens. At home that is. I was walking towards the apartment complex when I felt an eerie silhouette hovering over me. And if I turn I will vanish. So unlike any other I kept going ignoring the feeling.

By the time I was at the door step Haru
rushed out the door almost hitting me but sense he have great reflexes he stopped it in time. But a hand grabbed me from behind pulling me torwards its direction. " Long time no see Haru." When I heared those words Haru suddenly jumped and pulled me away and covered my eyes.

And I can feel anger coming from him because of the boy. "Leave." I never heard him like that at all. To be honest it kinda shocked me. But then I fell to the ground because Haru let me go on accident and there I seen the boy from the store.

After I recovered my vision Haru pulled me by the arm and pulled me close. He then pulled me in for a kiss. As our lips touched the boy was just standing there with the same emotionless expression. After seeing this, Haru forcibly open my mouth with his tongue and held me tighter. As this took place, His expression changed into jealousy. Haru's tongue danced with mine's leaving me in his arms. Our tongues tangled and touched almost the others back of the throat almost chocking me. Haru then brushed me off and pushed me away. Stumbling, I fell to the ground with the boy looking at me with a disappointed face.

It's like he's sad that I'm with Haru. Without hesitation, the boy grabbed me and pulled my shirt off, turned me around to face Haru and said "You may had kissed her but I've marked her as my toy." He then pointed at a red mark on my chest. I've always wonder how it have gotten there.

But then Haru threw a knife at the boy but he dodged it swiftly only cutting his cheek. After that there was only silence between them. "Um guys what's going o-" "Shut up Ki-chan we are going to settle this." The boy seemed to know my name but how. But I soon felt hazy and my eyes began to feel heavy like someone's forcing me to fall asleep.

"Kirie-chan?" I heard Haru's voice calling my name as I began to catch my current state. "Haru-kun what's going on? Who was that? Why were you acting that way? And wh-" "Will you calm down first please." The way Haru-Kun said that made me wonder if I know much about him. "That boy, he was one of our old friends but, he betrayed us." I saw his eyes get Yandereish "So that's why you hated him so much. But you know I don't like you anymore so can I ask you to stop kissing me?" He then looked at me shock but then I saw him look a little upset. "Mhm okay I'll stop for you." That's when he left me and went to his room.

"Finally he's gone." When I turned around it was the boy. "Don't believe what he say okay. I didn't betray him it was my duty as a f- never mind. I'm Yukine Asada. Nice to see you again."

"Mhm I'm Kirie Kinoshita nice to meet you." I wanted to ask him some questions too but I can't just wait I have to wait for the right moment. "Nee you really don't remember me huh. From 10 years ago?" I saw him looking hopeful like he wish I did. But I replied with" No my memories are terrible nowadays I'm sorry." He just gave me a blank stare as if he never believed me. "Damn that Succubi, he's always trying to protect you with stupid powers that can kill you."

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