Twilight 1

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1.  Robert Pattinson, can you say HOT?  And he's totally sexy when he sparkles! More of 'Robert Pattinson, can you say hand-me-down? He played in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire before he was in Twilight.  He even said he liked being in Harry Potter better than Twilight.

2.  Taylor Lautner, I mean, have you SEEN those muscles? So what?

3.  Kristen Stewart.  An extremely talented and beautiful actress, with loads of potential. Search Emma Watson and Kristen Stewart mood chart.

4.  The Volturi.  REALISTIC villains, instead of insane freaks in cloaks, like Voldemort and the Death Eaters. The Volturi are not threatening at all. Death Eaters on the other hand can kill you, torture you, and take over your mind in half a second.

5.  Because its just common sense to like twilight!!! Ha ha.  Romance means everything.  Bella and Edward are like, MENT for each other, and everything is just......PERFECT!!  In Harry potter, you would think that that Harry and Hermione would like...fall in love or something....and then you  watch people die in freaky ways, and then there are creepy things....GAHH!!!  but yea. (: I  think that things between Edward and Bella are TOO perfect. J.K. Rowling had her reasons for not having Harry and Hermione together. And this is for the dying in freaky ways part. Are you saying that getting your arms ripped off and being decapitated are not creepy? If so, GO TO A DOCTER!!!!

6.  Because it's one of the greatest love stories ever!!  Harry Potter is good too, but Twilight has way more romance and more hot guys....EDWARD, JASPER, EMMETT, CARLISLE!!  Need I say more! Ummm...... I don't know what to say to that.

7.  Yes, we all know that Harry Potter and Twilight are both fiction, but Twilight is clearly better.  When I read a book, I like to imagine myself in the plot or relate to the story somewhat.  Aside from the vampire theme, Twilight actually takes place in a REAL town with up to date things. ex) cars, school, etc.  I'm sorry but I just can't picture myself on a flying train, eating chocolate covered frogs, headed to a non existent magical school.  In my opinion, Twilight is obviously better. The chocolate frogs are just enchanted chocolate. You mean you want to be in a book where you are surrounded by deranged lunatics?

8.  OMG Harry Potter is messed up.  Like seriously, he needs to grow up and stop being so boring because Edward is like waaaaaaay more AMAZING.   There's no love in Harry Potter and nobodies hot who wants to read a book without hot peeps? Ummmm......sane people.

9.  Each book in the twilight series has a different story line.  It is mainly about Bella's Love story but in the 1st book it was about how Edward had to save Bella and in each book the story changes.  The main reason of the book is for Bella To become A vampire.  Then after that it is the story with Renesmee.  In Harry Potter it takes 7 or 8 books to get to the point.  Killing the one who must not be named.  it drags on and on and becomes boring. But the Twilight books are hard to follow.

10.  Twilight has a more reasonable plot than Harry Potter.  Look at Harry and you'll see he's more angsty than Bella.  And all the Harry Potter books are like Harry being "My life sucks" and then Voldemort shows up and he's like "I'm going to kill you" and Harry's all like "No way" and then Harry wins in the end. It's way obvious, especially when the author already tells you how many books there's going to be.  I mean, why can't we live in total suspense on what's going to happen next?  Twilight gives that suspense that something amazing is going to happen that Harry Potter never gave us.  Plus, Harry Potter is a wizard and wizards are demonic creatures.  Who would want to root for a demon as the good guys?  In twilight, everyone's a vampire, and vampires aren't Satan's spawn. Vampires aren't, but Renesmee is.

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