The Beginning

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Hello, readers. It's hard to believe that you've actually opened the cover of this book; perhaps it spiked your interest or maybe it simply appeared in your room one day. Whatever the case is, there is something that you must know. Do not show anyone this book. You must know our tale for a reason, you and no one else. Don't do it. He'll come after you; he'll find you and torture you. Please, just keep this a secret. Now for the story.

It all started long long time ago, on a place not on this earth.

[Prince of Shadows POV]

I remember that at first it was cold, oh so very cold. And there was darkness the likes of which I'd never seen before. Slowly, my body adjusted to this astral form and the feeling of power coursing through my veins, the temptation to destroy every world at a whim and rebuild them as I pleased. It took some getting used to, I'll admit. It's not every day that you become a god. But what I found within myself took my breath away. I was beautiful, something that had never occurred to me before. I was dark and I was beautiful, graced with the ability to change forms as I pleased and suited; I did spend a few centuries toying around with the varying appearances I could take on. But I soon got bored; I soon grew tired of the hellhole that became my palace of nightmares. I was nameless, faceless, formless, and yet all knew of me. Everyone in every realm would cry out in fear of the shadows and cower under my rule, even if they weren't aware. After all, weren't humans born to be ruled?

Every few centuries or so I would perhaps loose my temper and release a few of my more...spirited...minions, causing turmoil that tore worlds apart. World War II? All because of me, my puny little darlings. But that is all in the past. I need something bigger, something better, something that will cause catastrophe. I mean, I've always wanted to cause the end of the world, and what better to do it now when Earth is made of metal and the gods have faded from all memory and recollection? And now I have a plan, one that will shake foundations of the worlds themselves and cause all life forms to burn and perish in flames of Muspelheim. Oh, what a rush it will bring me, knowing that at my hands the universe perished, leaving only me and my faithful minions left to rule the skies of every realm. And who will stop me? After all, those petulant fools were destroyed in the last great battle of the gods, the one in which Olympus fell and Asgard laid waste to. Those four shining mortals were destroyed, their essence scattered across all of time and space, never to be seen or heard from again. But with the return of the legends, who knows what could happen? I will have to be it safe and lay low for a while. This will all come together in the end, but for now anything is possible. Let the gods come, let the monsters hunt and terrorize, and let mortals feel the primal fear echoing through their bones at the night terrors. No one can stop me now, for I am visų baimių karalius, the one who walks in the shadows and whispers in your ear. I am your king.

 a/n: thanks for reading fam :)) i'm still working on developing this, so bear with me! 

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