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Imagine: Shawn and Camila are given 5 hours to write a song for a movie together. During those hours, there is a lot of talk about candles...and possibly a marriage proposal...

Shawn's POV


     Camila and I decide that the best place for song inspiration is by the lake, so we begin walking there. For the majority of the walk, we are both silent. I assume that Camila is thinking of ideas, just as I am.

     "Any ideas yet?" I ask, breaking the silence. I honestly felt kind of awkward, as I was not having any luck with song ideas.

     "For lyrics and music, no. But, I do have an idea for the subject," she answers softly. 

     "Let me hear it," I state politely. 

     "Well, the song is for a wedding scene, so the music should be lyrical," she begins. "The lyrics should be rather elegant. Also, I was thinking that it could have something to do with candles."

     "That's a great idea," I say as I place my hand on the railing of the bridge we are walking over.


     We finally reach our destination. Camila picks the perfect spot by the lake to sit down and think. 

     While we are both silent once again, I take the time to consider her idea about the candles. I have heard her mention things about candles quite a bit lately. I wonder what has infected her mind with thoughts of candles.

     Camila breaks the silence this time by saying, "Do candles look more beautiful when they are lit?"

     "Well, they definitely smell better that way," I reply.

     "I know that, but I don't know if they look more beautiful," she says, keeping the conversation a bit more serious that I would like for it to be.

     "I suppose that they do," I begin. "But that's a matter of opinion."


     "Why are you so obsessed with candles?" I finally ask after another hour has gone by.

     "Do you want a long answer or a short answer?" she asks.

     "I don't really mind," I answer.

     "Well, then you're getting the long answer," she says. "To me, candles are a figure of speech. You see, when they are brand new and unlit, they represent someone that is pure and beautiful. But, when they have been lit, they represent someone that has given themselves up, whether that means marriage or something more serious, and now they are even more beautiful."

     "Camila, that's deep," I say simply, as I have no other words for the speech she has just given.

     "Now, shall we get back to writing?"


     Camila and I have spent the last candle filled hour doing nothing but writing. The song is probably going to need to be edited after we finish it, and we were only given five hours to write it. But, despite its flaws, I am quite pleased with how it is turning out.

     "So, the female character is upset because she believes that her life will be more difficult after she is married or 'lit'?" I ask, assuring myself that I understand the parts of the song that Camila is taking over.

     "Yes, but in reality, being 'lit' is only making her life better.

     When we both understand each other's ideas, we fall into a pit of silence just once more. I assume that we will be spending more time in this silence than we have before today.


     "I do not think that we can possibly make this any better, Camila," I say, feeling pleased with what we have written.

     "Well, then would you like to take a break?" she asks, smirking. I find it difficult to refrain from this candle-obsessed beauty, so I allow myself to move closer to her.

     "I definitely would, " I respond.

     No one seems to be around, so I take her face in my hands and place my lips directly onto hers. I only intended to kiss her lightly, but she kisses back if she wanted more.

     "Camila, I think I've fallen in love with your candle metaphor," I  say when we break apart. 

     "Three years together, Shawn. You're just now falling in love with my cliche messages?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

     "Yes, but at least it didn't take me that long to fall in love with you," I say, trying to hint towards what I am about to say. "Camila, will you let me light your candle?"

     "Shawn, I am the candle, and what do you mean by that?" she corrects.

     "I mean, will you marry me?"


     Camila and I begin our 'journey' home, while we continue to speak of candles. During that journey, we decide that we don't want our song to be featured in a move...we want it to be featured in our wedding.

Author's Note: I'm not going to lie, I had no idea where this was going while I was writing it. I need to stop writing these so late at night... But, anyway, I'm running out of ideas about what I can write about. I would really appreciate it if you would take the time to leave a prompt in the comments for me. Also, I am going to do my best to update this every other day. Thanks for reading!

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