Time To Bring Entertainment For An Inmate [3]

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Hey! So uhm, you know the new cover? It's great huh? Haha, ThePigs made it!! I really really like it!!

Oh, and aha, I didn't upload on date. :/ whoopsies! I'll try to go as planned in the near future, but my internet last week wasn't working at ALL, and then it was....Then it WASN'T! It was like, URGH! MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND COMPUTER! ....Yeah...(: And my dad got pissed, blah blah blah.

And I'm sorry if this is like a little OCC. I'm trying to make it like she's a quiet girl, but I'm not really quiet at all so it's a bit of a struggle for me! But, I'm trying! Ugh, it's hard to write like a quiet girl. :(

So anyways, uh....Enjoy! Aha


I plop down on the blue plastic chair once again. I grab my homework from the desk, and start working on it.

Okay Pipe...You got this!


What the hell? Ugh, this is going to take a long time.

I start writing really slowly and patiently, when someone speaks, breaking my freaking concentration.

"Wow, don't look too focused there girl."

I look up and see Zachary, once again, with his hands through the bars. He's leaning in on it casually, and staring at me with his emerald green eyes looking straight at my brown ones.

His jet black hair was stuck up slightly as if he just ran his fingers through it. His tanned skin you could see from the orange jumpsuit looked like he had just went to the beach or something and then jumped in his prison cell. He also had a tall, athletic build, numbing my mind completely.

He smiles slightly, as if seeing that I was indeed, checking him out.

"I...I'm not." I say a defensively.

"Well it looked like you were either solving a hard math problem, or planning to kill someone." He says, smirking.

"I'm not." I say again. Then there's silence, as I tap my pencil on the worksheet, glaring at it.

"You know, it's your own fault that I'm bothering you, Piper." He once again breaks the silence I loved so much.

Out of pure curiosity, I ask, "Why?"

"Because I don't have a cell mate."

"So? Isn't that better?" I quietly ask, staring at his green eyes.

Zachary snorts.

"No. I need to be entertained."

Seriously? How can a guy get any worse? He's lucky he's good looking, because if he wasn't he would probably be..A loser.

"You do now?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He nods, smirking a bit. His smile was nice, why did he have to ruin it by smirking?

I know just the person to call in times like this.

The school's whore.

Time to bring out the big guns here.

"Okay," I reply, and start typing on my phone.

To: Jamie Mackle

Hey, can you come to...Prison?

It sounded really awkward, but she'll be in here soon enough. Why not take a tour while she's here?

A reply buzzes back to my phone.

From: Jamie Mackle


I text back, "HOT GUY HERE!"

And she immediately replies she can come.

What a tool.

After about twenty minutes, I hear a engine outside, and go to the desk to see Diego, and let Jamie in.

"Hey, Diego. Let the chick in." I say, and point to the brown haired barbie. His eyes go wide.

"...Why?" He asks. I chuckle.

"That my friend, is entertainment." I point to Jamie.

"Yeah, cheap entertainment."

I playfully smack his shoulder.

"Shh." I say.

Diego throws his hands up in surrender.

"Oh look," I whisper. "Here she comes."

"The Devil wear Prada." Deigo whispers back.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure it's Gucci."

Diego laughs.

"Hello," Jamie says as she walks up to the front desk. She sees me, and tries to walk past the gates. But then Diego stops her.

"Wait, wait. We need to do a pat down check."

She widens her eyes. I do too.

"Oh Diego, it's all right. She's cool."

See all the trouble I go through for one guy's entertainment? I didn't even KNOW him for crying out loud!

"Are you sure, Piper?" Diego asks, raising an eyebrow. Jamie stares at me, smacking her gum in her mouth.

I sigh, and shrug.

"Yeah, it's all good, Diego. Let's go, Jaime." I start walking towards Zachary's cell.

"So! What's he like?!" Jaime shrieks.


I don't know exactly what to say to her, so I just say, "Uh."

Isn't that a charming answer?

Please note the sarcasm in that sentence.

"He's right here." I stop at Zachary's cell.

"Took you long enough Pi- WHoa..." Zachary's voice cracks while he stares at Jaime.

"What are you doing here?!" Zachary yells.

"Ohmygod! Zach?!" Jaime shrieks. They both stare at me, with different expressions.

"I...I just want to....Do my math homework..." I say slowly.

I can feel Zachary's vibrant green eyes burning into my forehead.

Oh great.

What did I do this time?


Ta daaa!

Sorry...It sucks, but it's been too long. Blehh :/

All right, next update: 8/19 at the latest!

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