The message.

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Fuck today's Wensday. You know what that means. At 8 the house has to be cleared out except me. Which will be hard knowing Niall and Harry. Liam probably won't care sucking off to Justin. By the way the whole Justin thing is just shit. I can't believe it he said it would be a fling so he wouldn't hurt the boys. But I don't know I don't understand why 5 boys are totally in love with me. I just let it go. The person I haven't seen in forever is coming alone to see me. God knows what she's going to do. But my guess is she's probably Going to kill me so I can never be happy since what I did offended her in a way. But what kind of sick minded person sends 4 sober adults to fuck a 18yr old. Sure it's legal but c'mon. Anyways today I see her. I wonder if she looks any different probably not though but we'll see.

"Babe are you alright?"

"What um yeah I'm fine why?"

"You looked like you were in a trance or something. "

"Oh no I was just thinking that all. "

"About what?"

"Well on how incredibly adorable you are. "

"Oh babe. you think you know who you l-"

"Cause if you jump I will jump to. We will fall together from your buildings ledge never looking back at what we've done. We'll say it was love cause I would die for you on skyway avenue. Where are your guts t-"


"Hey babe how are you?"

"Good. I love your ringtone by the way. "

"Oh yeah thanks. Hahah I miss you tons. "

" Oh i know babe i miss you more love. What are you doing babe? Being safe I presume. "

"Well actually I'm just doing another drop. At around 4 so I should get there at around 10 but yeah. "

"Oh babe that's cool you'll be back to your hotel soon. "

"Yeah in my cozy bed. The comforts "

"Yeah. Usually you have to drop all day from like 9 to 12. "

"Yeah well it's already 2 so I should get ready. But I love you. Don't worry about me I'll be fine. "

"Ok cool. Love you more. " he blows a kiss and I catch it. Placing it on my lips since I do miss him. I chuckle and hang up.

"How touching. " shit. I forgot Niall was there.

"So how is he mate. "

"Great he gets off work today early. Wonder why? "

"Oh well that's cool lets go. Harry said breakfast is ready. I could use some food. "

"Haha right lets go. " I grab Niall's hand and walk down to the kitchen.

Mornin baby. " and Harry comes and kisses me. I didn't know how much I missed the curl haired boy. I stick my tongue down his throat tasting his sickly sweet tongue and pull away. Liam approaches me. He hugs me. Hesitates as he leans in. I don't care I miss him like crazy. I pull him down and kiss him. His lips taste amazing. He moves our lips in sync then slowly pulls back. I pout I like all there lips. Niall grabs me and pulls me down and instead of kissing me. He just licks my lips before prying my mouth open and invading my mouth. Then finishes it with a sweet kiss. Wow. The effects they have on me. They can see I'm shaken by all then so I sit down. Shit it's 2. We should spend time doing things. Incase she kills me.

"Hey guys why don't we go see this is the end?" Ironic. But Harry loves James Franco and Niall thinks Jonah hill is hilarious so. I love Jonah hill as well so yeah buddy.

Sinister's Boy.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang