Train Me

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Ezreal arrived on Coruscant, into the jedi temple with Vladir to be trained by the Jedi Order. All the other young jedi and padawans stare as Ezreal walks past them, whispering, " Is that a bounty hunter? ", " Why is he here? ". Since Ezreal is a skilled marksman, he was to be trained to master both with lightsaber and as well as various arsenals from around the galaxy.

" Who will teach me Master Jedi? ", asked Ezreal, " I can't teach you, but my padawan will. He is to be a jedi master today. Patience Ezreal... ", replied Vladir. Ezreal noticed a female padawan stalking him behind a pillar in the temple, he jumps to the female padawan with the assist of his jet pack and asks, " I've noticed you've been stalking me young jedi. ", said Ezreal to the female padawan. " Actually I have been stalking you, because I don't think you're from around here. ", said the female padawan. " Well, I'm not, but I will soon. ", replied Ezreal.

"Well in that case, my name is Aria Serisa. I'm still a padawan. ", introduced Aria. " Well I'm Ezreal, I'm a bounty hunter. Master Vladir invited me to join and be trained by the jedi ways. ", said Ezreal. " Well, I look foward to have a duel with you Ezreal. I'm sure the jedi trainings are better than bounty hunter's ", said Aria. " We'll see about that, Aria. ", replied Ezreal.

" Ezreal! Come here, meet your new master, Master Urho Klahan. ", with excitement Vladir introduced Ezreal of his ex-padawan who had just became a jedi master. Master Klahan nods his head and walked Ezreal around the jedi temple. Eventually they went to a bigger space, " Alright bounty hunter, show me what you've got. You can use these training blaster pistols and your jet pack. ", said Klahan.

Ezreal has two pistols and a jet pack against Klahan with only a lightsaber.

Ezreal starts the match by running to his left and rapidly fires at Khalan. Klahan succesfully reflects all of Ezreal's shots. Khalan force jumps and attempts to strike Ezreal, Ezreal succesfully evades Khalan's attack by jumping to the right. Ezreal's move stunned Khalan, Ezreal attempts to fire at Khalan from behind, Khalan dodges most of the shots but one hits his left shoulder.

" You're skills with blasters are impressive Ezreal. I will teach you more about the force to increase your advantages with your blasters against your enemies. Come, follow me to the training grounds. ", said Khalan as he was impressed by Ezreal's capabilities.

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