Chapter 13

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I wondered whether there was something wrong with Alex’s hormones. His mood swings were worse than a girl who was having premenstrual syndrome. He could be very annoying until you wanted to kick his ass, yet a second later you might be surprised because out of nowhere he turned into a sweety. I did not remember I acted the same way during my early puberty stage.

These past few days he had been so gloomy as if there had been someone in his family who died. I thought it was either because he still could not accept that now he lived with a woman who had stolen his dad from his mom while he was still blaming himself for his real mom’s suicide, or maybe, it had something to do with the baseball girl I saw last Saturday, who was also Nicholas’ sister. She made him run like a shy cat!

“I think it’s going to be better if we divide the tasks instead of wasting time like this,” I said, annoyed. Nicholas was sure a hottie, but he was also lazy and it irritated me. He invited me to his penthouse for doing our paper, yet I ended up typing the whole thing by myself while he was just staring and chewing bubble gum.

“It’s not that I don’t want to give you a hand. My laptop is broken.”

He shrugged, showing me an innocent face. Well, that was an acceptable excuse.

“Yeah, but...this is not effective. Why don’t we just do it another time? I gotta go home as soon as possible, by the way.” 

I glanced at the clock. It was 5 p.m. and I was definitely late for babysitting. Lucy the morning nanny had also called me like, three times.

“Okay, no problem,” said Nicholas. He shut the laptop down and leaned on his arm.

“What?” I cringed as Nicholas moved his body very close towards me until I could feel his peppermint-like breath. Oh Em Gee. Was he going to kiss me? I slowly closed my eyes as he touched my cheek with his fingers. Heavens.

“Hey, get a room.”

Suddenly the door blast opened and a girl walked in. I quickly pushed Nick’s body away and blushed. He laughed.

“Sorry, I’m just kidding.” 

He winked. He was what? Kidding? Holy crap. I thought I finally would experience my first kiss. I frowned and glared at Nicholas, who did not seem to feel guilty. The girl approached the fridge and took out a huge bottle of cold mineral water, then drained the content in three gulps. She wiped her mouth and turned to me.

 “Oh, Maddy, this is my friend, Kelsey. Kelsey, meet my sister, Madison,” Nick quickly introduced us.

“I think I ever saw you somewhere,” she mumbled as we shook hands.

“Um, I don’t think so,” I said.

“Well then, never mind. Anyway Kels, be careful with my brother. I warn you,” she said, grinning.

“Dammit, Mad. Go away.” Nick chuckled and gestured at her to get out of there. Madison rolled her eyes and walked to her room which had purple colored wall. The Weatherby family sure had a first class gene. Madison Weatherby was just as striking as Nicholas. No wonder Alex liked her. I watched her carefully as she swayed her long shiny hair.

“Are you checking her out?” Nick whispered in my ear.

“Sorry to say, but I guess Maddy already has a boyfriend. She’s straight, by the way,” he continued. What the heck? Now he thought I was hitting on his sister. Nicholas really deserved a punch on his face. I really wanted to do it, but I was more interested of what he just said.

“She has a boyfriend?” I asked.

“Yeah, as far as I know. Not only a boyfriend but two maybe. Wait, are you really...”

“No way! I’m just asking. Don’t worry I’m not going to date her. That’s gross and so incest.”

“Ha ha ha. I’m sorry for teasing you. Please don’t get mad. I just think that...lesbian girl is sexy.”

What? I thought I was a freak, it turned out that Nicholas Weatherby was freakier than me. I had to stay away from him before he intoxicated me.

“Hey, I really have to go now. See you at school.”

I grabbed my bag and dashed off. It was going to be a bad news for Alex. Madison Weatherby had a boyfriend. Now I was scared that Alex would slap himself again when he found out. Wait, was I being so nosy?


“Where have you been?” Alex yelled at me when I just stepped in. He was still carrying his backpack, so I guessed he also just arrived.

“Sorry I’m late. Where’s Lola?” I quickly apologized and looked around. I got panicked because I did not see her anywhere. Alex also searched the entire rooms and he came to me with a pale face. I immediately took out my phone and called Lucy.

“Hello? Lucy are you with Lola?” I asked, worried.

“No. Isn’t she sleeping in her bedroom? Sorry I left her like that, but my shift has ended.”

“What?! How could you leave her home when anyone was here? That’s so careless!”

“Well, that’s not my fault. I have called you and you didn’t answer. My son caught a fever and I had to go home right away, so...”

It was pointless to talk with Lucy, so I hung up quickly. I was about to call the police but Alex stopped me.

“Wait, don’t. I’m gonna be killed if dad finds out. Let’s just try to find her by ourselves first,” he said. I could see that he was scared from his expression. Both of us were scared.

“What are you waiting for? Come on!”

I gripped his wrist and we sped outside. Oh my Gosh, where was Lola?

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