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From the time I was young I was told never say never because it might just happen
Not listening I would say never this and never that
Now I regret saying I would never fall in love let alone think to love a man that isn't mine
Thinking I could always control how I feel
I'm still confused as to how I got here
Stuck in between loving you and loving myself
Drowning in the false hope of you choosing me because I chose you
Me loving you and you speaking as if you felt the same way but in reality you were loving her
Me being naive and stupid fell for the tricks you and traps you placed for me
Thinking it could really be me and you but you wanted it to be me you and her
Too many night I cried wondering why cant I be the one you came home to
But then reality hit: you were never mine in the first place
You were and always will be hers but silly me bought the broken dreams you sold
Im still confused as to how I got here
Stuck in between loving you and loving myself
After the many times I chose you and still ended up alone and broken
I chose myself

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