Actions pt 2

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"So what kind of job are you interested in?" He asks me with a curious face.
"Basically anything that pays the bills" I reply.
"I get you.. Especially since New York living can be super expensive." He looks down from my eyes and types something on his laptop.
"Ah, here we go! Places that hire around here." He smiles with excitement as if he actually found gold or something.
"Lay 'em on me!" I playfully add.
"Alright.. There are a lot of gas station jobs but you don't look like the gas station kind of girl."
I give him a 'no' kind of look and he complies with the same one.
"What about retail?" He keeps his eyes on the laptop.
"Retail is fine I guess."
"Well there are a few job openings at the mall down the street. Its not too far! We could walk there right now if you'd like."
Without hesitation I hop up from my cushioned seat and I hold out my hand for his.
"Ready when you are." I say with a gentle smile.
"Woah there! Haha aren't you an excited one!"
I feel my cheeks turn a light red color as I laugh it off. I don't know why I am acting so hyper all of a sudden. Actually, I do. I'm comfortable with him. Not like anybody else, I swear. He reminds me of my brother and in this moment I realize how homesick I am. I really do miss everybody and yes, I do mean everybody.
Nick grabs my hand and he leads me to the destination. It was only about a 10 minute walk but in those 10 minutes, I had never laughed more in my entire life. He's perfect. He has my exact strange sense of humor, and we have almost everything in common.
I don't see him as a potential partner. Not at all, actually. I'd be honored to consider him my best friend.. My best friend for life.

We go from store to store gaining more and more applications as we go. We both have 0 cares in the world as we joke around with each other and tell each other stories of our childhood and... And... And..
"I have to go," My heart sinks "right away."
"Wait! Andy! What's wrong?" I hear his voice behind me as I try to hurry away.
"I JUST HAVE TO GO!" I yell out not intending to sound aggressive or rude. My heart gets heavier and heavier and my strides get faster and faster.
I hear a slightly deeper voice in the distance. As if in slow motion, I whip my head to the side and look around.
I was right.
"Andy wait up!" This person approaches. I feel... Sick.
Its... Jesse. Coming straight towards me. In his leather jacket and black skinny jeans and his own band tee.
"Andy.. This is such a surprise! What are you doing here?"
"I...l..l.." I can't catch my breath or think of anything to say.
"I'm looking for a job.." There is that famous awkward silence drifting above us.
"You?" I ask. I feel sweat dripping out of my pours and my stomach turns as if I'm going to throw up all over this 'stranger' standing before me.
"I'm just here shopping.. With my girlfriend!" He points in the direction of a lovely girl standing with her arms draped in shopping bags.
And that's it. I can't hold it in any more. I'm way too dizzy to even stand but I grab on to his shoulder violently and throw up all over Jesse James Rutherford in front of probably what seems like hundreds of people.

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