Resvoir Dogs Part 2: Getting The Gang Back Together

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We have made the plans and drawn out sketches of the security systems, we just needed to get our equipment, get in the van and helicopter, then leave. But first we always say our "Last Words" in case we die during this job. But hopefully we wont, unfortionatley we lost a guy 8 months back, Mr Red. He was shot by a cop under the name of Todd Tenpenny. Before he died his last words where, "kill that bastard, avenge me....". Like i said, that was awile back.

"Alright boys, we got everything we need"? said Boss. "Yessur" replied pink. "Good, now before we pull this off i need to announce something, first, i would like to wish everyone luck, and second, the last thing we need is a shit ton of news goin around sacramento about us. We slip in and out, try not to kill anyone". We still brought guns in case. Small handguns, like silenced 1911's. But we mainly just have to try to knock these guards unconsious this time. Here are our equipment choices so far...

Silenced p99
Bomb (in case)
3 grenades

Colt 1911
Sticky bombs

Micro smg

Double revolvers
Pilots headset

We suit up and get ready. "Guys i gotta give it to ya, this makes me a little nervous." Said Orange. "Dont worry, everything will be ok, if brown misses the building.. well, then" Blonde said nervously. I chuckled when he said that because i knew i was going to make the jump and perfect it. "You leave at midnight fellas" said Boss. "Time starts now, you have 20 minutes". Orange started up the helicopter, and i put on my patachute. Pink and Blonde got into the van waiting for the "go" signal. We took off, and Pink/Blonde followed us. This will be the biggest beist i have ever done, hopefully we can make it out alive....

To be continued.......................

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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