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I think Pearl has nearly forgotten about the incident at the Kindergarten. But I haven't. It was almost a year ago, and her words still sting.
Tears start forming in my eyes. I want to hate her for it. I really, truly do. I want to scream at her and curse her out. I can't bring myself too. It's not fair.
A tear slips down my face. Wiping it away, I run to the warp pad.
"Amethyst?" Pearl asks. "Where are you going?"
I sob as the warp takes me up.
"Amethyst!" I hear faintly. "Amethyst, come back! Please!" I cover my ears until I get there
The Kindergarten. My hair flies out behind me as I speed to the god-forsaken hole I came out of. I hide inside and curl up into a ball, my tears pressing into my arm.
I hear the warp activate. I try to cry silently, but, as usual, I fail miserably.
"Amethyst?" Pearl says. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing!" I shoot back. "Leave me alone! You don't even like me!"
"Amethyst....You know that's not true." She says faintly.
"Yes it is! Don't-" I choke back another sob. "Don't you remember what happened here? Or do you just not care so much that you forgot?" I snap.
"Yes, Amethyst. I do remember." She admits sadly.
"Yeah, so beat it! You don't care about me! You think I'm a problem! A defect! A-" More tears stream down my face. "A mistake!"
"Amethyst, I didn't mean that. And I am so, so, so sorry." She tentatively walks over and crouches down inside the hole.
"Liar! Go away!" I try to wiggle away from her, but the space is too small. I'm trapped.
"Amethyst, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say any of that. I guess, well..." She glances around a bit awkwardly. "I was taking out my own insecurities on you."
I scoff and wipe away my tears. "What insecurities? You're perfect." I glare at her.
"No, I'm not. You know how I was a servant, back on Homeworld?" Pearl asks.
"Yeah..." I swirl some dust around with my finger.
"I guess.....I guess I thought I was kind of defective too. Pearls are supposed to be perfect, pristine, and emotionless. I was a defect because I could feel. I had emotions, and Pearls weren't supposed to." She confessed solemnly. I glance down.
"Pearl...... I'm s-"
"No," She interrupts. "I'm sorry. I should never have done that to you. And I know I apologized then, but this time I truly mean it. I'm sorry."
I look up at her. "Me too." I half-laugh, half-cough, and more tears form in my eyes and roll down my cheeks. "I guess I'm just overreacting, huh?" I shake my head.
"No, you're not." Pearl wipes the tears off my cheeks and cups my face in her hands, making me look at her. "I overreacted. It's only normal you would be like this, after what I did to you. Please, forgive me." We stare into each others eyes for a few seconds.
"Well," I try a weak smile. "As long as we're, ah, confessing things, I guess I should say something."
Pearl lays her hands down. "Yes?"
I grab her hands and move closer to her. "I love you." I declare.
"Amethyst, I-"
I cut her off by leaning towards her and kissing her. She jumps a little, and hits her head. I scramble back.
"Ohmygosh Pearl. I'm so sorry I should never have done that, is your head okay, god I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have k-"
"Amethyst, shut up." I stare at her.
"Let's...try that again." She says.
"Definitely." We lean in, and our lips meet. I've heard of Heaven, where good people go when they die, and it's supposed to be wonderful, and everything feels perfect and great.
I think this is Heaven.

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