Chapter 1

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*Josh's POV*

Ever feel like you've hit rock bottom even though everything in your life seems great? You're depressed even though you're in a successful band with your best friend? You just can't figure yourself out at all? Yeah, well, that's me.

I don't know when it all happened, but I know that once it did, it was going to be hard to escape. Hard to escape all of these feelings that pulse through me everyday. It seemed that there was no way out.

"Josh, are you okay?" My bandmate  and best friend, Tyler Joseph, asked me.

"Huh?" I zoned back into reality. I was lost in my own thoughts, again, while my head laid against the window to the bus.

"You look sad, are you okay?" Tyler asked me once again.

"Yeah," I nodded my head, "just tired."

Tyler didn't know about my depression. Nobody did. It was something that I didn't share with anybody because I knew that they would all say the same thing: "What do you have to be depressed for?"

"Okay. Maybe you should get some rest. After all, our last show of the tour is tomorrow night!" Tyler smiled.

We're on tour right now to support our latest album, Blurryface. It's been a great tour, and performing for the fans every night is spectacular. Tomorrow is the last show, and then we're going back home.

"Okay. I'll see you in the morning then," I faked a smile, and headed to my bunk. I wasn't in the mood to form a real smile right now, most of the time I wasn't. The only time I've smiled lately is when I preform and meet the fans. Besides that, I just don't have any real reason too.

I laid down in my bunk, but I couldn't fall asleep. Too many thoughts running through my mind that were keeping me awake. I couldn't afford to lose any sleep, not tonight. Tomorrow is the last show, I can't be tired while I'm performing.

I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could. Tyler came rushing over to my bunk, making sure I was alright.

"Are you okay? I heard you scream," Tyler said, having a concerned look on his face.

"I'm fine. I just had a nightmare, I'm sorry," I told him. It wasn't a lie. My whole life is a nightmare that I can't seem to wake up from.

"It's okay, Josh. Just go back to sleep, everything is fine," Tyler smiled at me, and went back other to where he was before.

I screamed again, this time in my head. Tyler had no idea what was going on with me, and I couldn't tell him. I lied to him about my feelings all the time. He thought everything was okay, but it wasn't. I feel like I'm just setting him up for heartbreak.

You know why I feel that? Because it gets worse every day. As the days go by, I just feel worse and worse, and Tyler's going to notice one day. He's going to notice that I'm not the happy person that I used to be, and when that day comes, I'm going to feel shitty for breaking his heart.

After about an hour of struggle, my eyes finally shut. I finally relaxed, and fell into a deep sleep.
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is short, the next one I'll try to make longer!

I'm excited to be writing this story, and I hope you like it so far!

I made the cover, and the title was cut off a little bit. I used the Font Candy app(thanks for telling me about it KingsOfEmo ) and I got the image off of Google, so I wanted to give credit to what I used to make the cover.

Love you guys<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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