Chapter 1

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Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom. "I'm home Star!" Mom said. I turned off the TV as I was chewing my popcorn. "What were you watching?" Mom asked me as the TV turned off. "Uhhhh...the news?" I lied. Mom looked at me like I was some freak. "Fine, I'm watching a zombie movie." I said. "Hon, I thought you were scared of scary things." Mom explained. "Well not anymore." I said as I ate all the popcorn. Mom saw my little sister, SkyLights under the couch. "Sky? Are you ok?" Mom asked in a worried way. "N-n-nope." Sky answered nervously. "The movie Star is watching is r-really scary..." "Don't worry hon, zombies are not real." Mom said. I rolled my eyes because Sky was scared of everything. "SKY! ARE YOU SOME COWARD!? YOUR SO ANNOYING AN SCARED OF EVERYTHING! YOUR LIKE THE LOUSIEST SISTER ON EARTH!" I said. But I didn't say it outloud, I said it in my head so nopony heard me. "DANG IT!!!!!!" Nemo yelled upstairs as she lost on some video game in her Play Station thing. I rolled my eyes again. "Wow what a sore loser. Go to school and learn how to not be a sore loser."
I said in my head so nopony will hear me. Like seriously, my sisters are annoying. I wish I was the only child. Im the older sister, Nemo is the 2nd oldest sister. Sky is the youngest sister. "Ugh I'm going to sleep." I said while I dressed in pajamas and went to my bedroom. "Lousy sisters..." I mumbled.

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